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My favorite carees:

I don’t decided a career now, but I want to study some of this carees: One would be psychology, because
I like the mental health topic, that is a complex topic that affects to much people in the history, and I
would like to help much people with their mental health problems, that would be great for me, other
career would be informatics engineering, because I like the informatics system, I like the computers and
all of their funtions, and for me, is a very good option to study in the futrure, because is a career very
important and I would win much money, but I would like system engineering forsecond option, and I
like the career of teacher, but this option is not very good to me, because I don’t like teach much at the
people, but if I practice this hability, and I become a most patient people, maybe I study this career, I just
wait decide to one of this career or other careers that like me much.

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