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Welcome to SEAIETI’s

Online International Training Series

Safeguarding Education: Course Expectations
• Learn the education continuity planning process;
• Understand who are the key stakeholders required to
streamline transitions to online education;
• Learn tools and methods to level-up the 21st century
skillset for the whole-of-school
• Participate in two modules
Module 1:
Education continuity planning

• how to incorporate the ‘whole of school’ approach in plan

• Understand the components of an ECP;
• Perform a technological needs assessment;
• Learn input requirements for your ECP
Module 2:
Distance learning with a 21st century skillset
• Develop learning scenarios (during disruption);
• Apply our knowledge of component learned in module 2 to
plan strategies to transition education;
• Create a matrix of expectations for the ‘whole-of-school’
• Understand the technological needs to make online learning
Learning tools:
• Time for reflection;
• Transform your learning to action using the ECP
worksheet provided
Module 1:
Education continuity planning
Education continuity plan
Guides the transition of one type of learning to
another type under changing circumstances.
Online learning plan
Explains the teaching methods, and expectations of
online learning for students and teachers.
Education Continuity Plan components
1. Activation protocol;
2. Communication plan;
3. Defined roles and responsibilities;
4. Distance learning plan;
5. De-activation protocol
Key stakeholders (whole-of-school approach)
⮚ Division head
⮚ administrator
⮚ Principals
⮚ Teachers
⮚ Assistants
⮚ Students
⮚ Technical support officers (IT)
⮚ Local government officials
Inputs: Technological needs assessment
• Access to information technology
• Always, sometimes, rarely, never

• Access to the internet and electricity

• Always, sometimes, rarely, never

• Technology skillset level

• High, medium, low
How do you make the plan?
Basic steps:
1. Designate a planning coordinator
2. Secure budget (if necessary)
3. Select and notify stakeholders
4. Identify the inputs and designate stakeholder roles
5. Collect inputs
6. Workshop the plan (~one day)
7. Draft and approve the plan
8. Test plan (drill or table top exercise), evaluate and modify, repeat
Choosing inputs
Criteria for inputs:
• Whole of school approach
• 21st century skills framework
• Use technology
• Encourage whole of school to
participate through technology
Multiple choice
What is the objective of a education continuity plan?

A. Modify learning to an online environment

B. Help teachers achieve 21st century skills
C. Guide school districts to transition education
D. Document roles and responsibilities

Answer: C. Guide school districts to transition education

Fill in the blanks
What is the 8 step process of creating a education continuity plan?
1. Designate a planning coordinator
2. Secure budget (if necessary)
3. Select and notify stakeholders
4. Identify the inputs and designate stakeholder roles
5. Establish a timeline for input deliverables and workshop
6. Workshop the plan (~one day)
7. Draft and approve the plan
8. Test plan (drill or table top exercise), evaluate and modify, repeat
Short answer
List 3 planning inputs
Answer: any of the following:
Hazard assessment;
Technology assessment;
ECP framework;
Stakeholder contact list;
Distance learning model
l e a r n i n g
Applied s
g i n p u t
for usin
a d mi n i s t r a t or
a g i n e y o u a r e a s c h oo l
A s s es s men t
e c hnology
Input 1: T
Let s pa u s e …
Learning disruption from disaster and pandemics
using 21st century skills and the ‘whole of school’
‘whole of school’ approach for
technological assessment OBJECTIVES
• Cross-curricular;
• Peer-to-peer learning;
• Acquisition of 21st century skills;
• Teacher/administrators make more
informed decision on their survey
technological assessment should
answer the following questions
• What is the percentage of children/teachers with access to
technology/devices in their home?
• What is the percentage of children/teachers with access to
internet and electricity (at least 6 hours/day) in their home?
• What is the percentage of children/teachers with access to
adequate space for learning/teaching?
• What is the technological skillset of parents and teachers?
Integrated Planning Framework for School Districts and Independent
School Authorities. BC Ministry of Education. Updated 27 March
2020 (
• Continuity of Learning PLANNING GUIDE FOR TEACHERS. BC Ministry
of Education. 1 May 2020
• Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE). (2020).
Technical Note: Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic. New York,

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