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Impact of Mental Health on the

Academic Performance of Grade 11
Humss Student at NGS International
College Essential Arts & Skills.
Mental health is a critical component of overall well-being, particularly among students navigating the
demanding academic environment of Grade 11 Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) at NGS International
College Essential Arts & Skills. As adolescents transition into higher levels of education, they encounter various
stressors that can impact their mental health and, subsequently, their academic performance. Understanding
the intersection between mental health and academic achievement is imperative for educators and
administrators to effectively support student success.
In recent years, there has been growing recognition of the prevalence and significance of mental health issues
among adolescents. Research indicates that approximately one in five youth experience a mental health
disorder, with symptoms often emerging during adolescence (Kessler et al., 2007). The transition to Grade 11,
marked by increased academic rigor, social pressures, and looming post-secondary decisions, can exacerbate
existing mental health challenges or contribute to the development of new ones.
The Grade 11 HUMSS curriculum at NGS International College Essential Arts & Skills is designed to foster
critical thinking, creativity, and a deep understanding of societal issues. However, students grappling with
mental health issues may find it difficult to fully engage with their studies, impacting their ability to grasp
concepts, complete assignments, and perform well in assessments. Consequently, addressing mental health
concerns among Grade 11 HUMSS students is essential not only for their well-being but also for their
academic success and future prospects.
This thesis aims to explore the impact of mental health on the academic performance of Grade 11 HUMSS
students at NGS International College Essential Arts & Skills. By examining the prevalence of mental health
issues, the factors contributing to them, and their effects on academic achievement, this research seeks to
provide valuable insights for educators, administrators, and policymakers. Ultimately, by understanding and
addressing the mental health needs of Grade 11 HUMSS students, stakeholders can create a supportive
environment conducive to both personal flourishing and academic excellence.
1.Identifying Mental Health Challenges.
2.Providing Support Services.
3.Increasing Awareness and Education.
4.Developing Coping Strategies.
5.Creating a Supportive Environment.
6.Monitoring Academic Progress.
7.Collaborating with Families and External
8.Evaluating and Adjusting Interventions.
SOP(Statement of the Problem)
The aim of this study is to investigate the correlation
between mental health issues and academic performance
among Grade 11 HUMSS students at NGS International
College Essential Arts & Skills. Specifically, it seeks to
identify the extent to which mental health challenges such
as stress, anxiety, and depression affect students' academic
achievements, attendance, and overall well-being within
the academic context."

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