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“IoT Based Smart Agricultural Management

and Recommendation System for weather

forecasting, NPK, animal detection and crop
yield prediction.”

Under the Guidance,

Prof. Karthik Kumar M
Asst. Professor, Dept. ME

1. Hithesh T L :4AD20ME005
2. Shayan Pasha : 4AD20ME013
3. Harshitha Nayak: 4AD21ME404
4. Pooja: 4AD21ME411












Modern agriculture is facing numerous challenges, including climate variability,
resource constraints, and the need to meet growing global food demand. To
address these challenges, this research presents an innovative IoT-based Smart
Agricultural Management and Recommendation System that integrates real-
time data collection and analysis for weather forecasting, NPK (Nitrogen,
Phosphorus, Potassium) monitoring, animal detection, and crop yield prediction.
This system leverages the power of the Internet of Things (IoT) to provide
farmers with valuable insights, enabling them to make informed decisions and
optimize agricultural practices.
• Agriculture, as one of the oldest and most vital industries, has played an essential role in providing
sustenance to the global population. However, modern agriculture faces an array of challenges in
the 21st century, including climate change, resource scarcity, and the growing demand for food
production. To meet these challenges and ensure the sustainability and efficiency of agricultural
practices, the integration of cutting-edge technologies has become imperative.

• The Internet of Things (IoT) has emerged as a transformative force in agriculture, offering real-
time data collection, analysis, and smart decision-making capabilities. This paper introduces an
innovative solution – the IoT-Based Smart Agricultural Management and Recommendation
System – designed to address critical aspects of agricultural management, including weather
forecasting, NPK monitoring, animal detection, and crop yield prediction.
 Giordano.S et al., Stated and developed an IOT application for the protection of crops
from animal intrusion in the crop field. To collect or monitor the crop field, authors used
the wireless technologies such as 6LoWPAN, Wi-Fi, and Zig Bee with the advanced IOT
gateway. This communication happens using the RIOT-OS software, when the animal is
detected it produces a sound of 120dB in the buzzer.

 E. Sowmiya et al., Worked on Smart System Monitoring on Soil Using Internet Of

Things. This paper describes about problems faced by farmers in choosing the manure on
various deficiencies like pH, NPK which is developed in a user understandable format
using IoT and making a scientific farming a success.
 Mohit Korche et al., Studied on protecting crops by animals using deep machine
learning and Convolutional natural network algorithm. the authors developed a
model to divert the animals nearer to the crop fields. The machine-learning
algorithm-based model is developed to detect the animals.

 P. Navaneetha et al., developed a system to protect the Crop against birds and
animals without any harm using PIR sensor, microcontroller, GPS Module, and
• In Agriculture, farmers face's many problems that are wild animals attack, poor weather
knowledge, improper usage of fertilizer and not know what to grow and when to grow it.

• The impact of climate change in India, most of the agricultural crops are being badly affected in
terms of their performance over a period of the last two decades.

• Predicting the crop yield in advance of its harvest would help the policy makers and farmers for
taking appropriate measures for marketing and storage.

• Animal attacks in India are a common story nowadays. Due to the unavailability of any detection
system these attacks kill villagers and destroy their crops.

• Due to lack of proper safety measures, these villagers are left helpless to their fate. Therefore, a
proper detection system could help save their lives and also to the preservation of crops.

• The primary objectives of this system are to

• Enhance precision farming by providing real-time data and recommendations.

• Optimize resource utilization and reduce environmental impact.

• Increase crop yield and overall farm profitability.

• Contribute to global food security and sustainability.

The Need for Smart Agriculture
• Modern agriculture faces an array of interconnected challenges:

• Climate Variability: Rapid shifts in weather patterns and extreme weather events are affecting crop growth,
making it essential for farmers to have access to accurate and timely weather data for decision-making.

• Resource Constraints: Limited natural resources, such as arable land and water, necessitate the optimization
of resource usage for sustainable agriculture.

• Environmental Concerns: Traditional agricultural practices, like indiscriminate fertilizer application and
pesticide use, have had adverse environmental impacts. Sustainable and eco-friendly farming practices are

• Food Security: The global population is growing, and the need for increased food production is evident.
Agriculture must become more efficient to meet the rising demand.
IoT in Agriculture
The Internet of Things has the potential to revolutionize agriculture by
providing real-time data and automation. IoT devices, sensors, and
connectivity solutions have been deployed in the field to gather data on
various aspects of farming operations. This data is then processed and
analyzed to provide valuable insights for farmers.
How the problem is being tackled without tecnology

• Nowadays farmers use electrical fencing to protect their crops against intruders
which may harm animals.

• Farmers with their knowledge dealing with the weather forecasting which is not
correct all the times.

• Farmers cultivate the crop based on monsoon, approximately adding the fertilizer
in which improves soil strength.
What technology intervention is being proposed
• To develop smart agricultural system using sensors, microcontroller using IOT based system.
• Constant Monitoring & maintenance of the plants using parameters like moisture level in the soil,
which in turn can be used in the drip irrigation system.
• Based on the weather condition, soil moisture, and soil fertility,
are analysed by raspberry pi using machine learning algorithms,
predict what to grow and when to grow.
• Also, it sends daily information to the farmers on how much fertilizer
like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium to add the crop to improve
the crop yield.
• It also recommends the farmer when to ON & OFF the motor.
• The system uses a Pi cam to capture the images of intruders which are analysed by Raspberry Pi using
a machine learning algorithm.
• Based on the analysis the developed system will send the report daily to the farmers to take actions
In layman’s terms
 The system uses a Pi cam to capture the images of intruders which are analysed by Raspberry Pi using
a machine learning algorithm.
 To determine the NPK levels of soil instantly and to advice the quantity of NPK to be added in the
field for a crop to get a good yield.

 It also recommends the farmer when to ON & OFF the motor.

Solution provided by this technology
 Farmers use a traditional method in deciding what to grow and when to grow, by assuming the weather
condition and soil moisture content, which may not give a good yield.
 In existing solution, farmers use electric fencing instead of that system uses a Pi cam to capture the images
of intruders which are analysed by Raspberry Pi using a machine learning algorithm later the buzzer
activates and intruder moves away hearing that buzzer.
 Soil moisture sensor measures the water content in soil using machine learning algorithm prediction of
weather conditions and NPK Sensor detect the fertility of the soil by detecting the conductivity
transformation caused by different nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium concentrations in the soil based on
this thing it will send the report daily to the farmers about what has to be done
 Solution is farmer must find everything separately, but this system incorporates everything in a single
System Overview
The IoT-Based Smart Agricultural Management and Recommendation System combines several key components:
•Weather Forecasting: The system employs a network of weather stations and sensors to monitor real-time weather
conditions, delivering accurate forecasts to farmers. These forecasts enable farmers to make informed decisions related to
planting, irrigation, and crop protection.
•NPK Monitoring: Soil sensors and remote sensing technologies continuously monitor NPK levels in the soil, offering
precise recommendations for fertilizer application. This approach minimizes nutrient wastage and improves crop quality.
•Animal Detection: IoT-enabled cameras and sensors are deployed to detect the presence of animals that can harm crops.
Using image recognition and machine learning, the system identifies and classifies these threats, allowing farmers to take
prompt action.
•Crop Yield Prediction: By integrating historical and real-time data, the system employs predictive analytics to estimate
crop yields, helping farmers plan their harvests and distribution more effectively.
the IoT-Based Smart Agricultural Management and Recommendation System represents a significant step toward
data-driven, sustainable agriculture. By addressing the core challenges of modern farming, this system empowers
farmers to adapt to changing conditions, make informed decisions, and contribute to global food security while
mitigating the environmental impact of agriculture. This paper will delve deeper into the technical aspects and
benefits of the system, demonstrating its potential to reshape the future of agriculture.

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