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Objectives Current study Supported by


Assess the level Current study Koontz E,, (1991) finding supports
of psychosocial finding that pre that the family education support plays an
constraints interventional care important role in reducing the care burden
among visually burden among of the family members . Researcher
impaired caregivers was concluded that useful intervention for
individuals. high in comparison strengthening the patient's major support
of post test system.
interventional care
Objectives Current study Supported by

Assess the level Current study RMK N.G,, (2009) finding support
of quality of life finding that pre that the relapse rate in the high expressed
among visually interventional emotion group was 88.6% (p < 0.01) and
impaired expressed that in the low expressed emotion group
individuals. emotions among was 11.4% (p < 0.01). The researcher
caregivers was concluded that relapse did not seem to be
high in comparison significantly correlated with high emotional
of post test over involvement in this study.
Objectives Current study Supported by

Determine the Psychosocial Chien W.T,, (2013) with the aim to
effectiveness of support was find the effectiveness of mutual support
Jacobson's effective in group intervention on the caregivers of
muscle relaxation improving in the schizophrenia patient. Concluded that there
among visually reduction of care was a marked improvement in caregivers
impaired burden and and it help to manage their daily activity
individuals. expressed and also concluded that psych education for
emotions among caregivers will reduce the hospitalization of
caregivers. patients.
Objectives Current study Supported by

Nanda Sari Nuralita,, (2019) finding

To correlate the Current study
suggested that there was an significant relationship
level of suggests that care between the burden of treatment with expressed
emotion in the families of schizophrenic patients.
psychosocial burden and expressed
(p = 0.004).
constraints and emotions of
quality of life caregivers was having
among visually weak positive
impaired correlation
Nursing Nursing
Nursing Nursing
practice Education research

Nurses must be
encouraged to The nurse as a
The nurse administrator can
participate actively in researcher has a role to
Nursing education can be motivate and insist that staff
providing health prepare and educate
strengthened and enable carryout a programe for the
education and service the individuals in
nursing students to know teaching of psychosocial
training in order to aspect of people with
about current knowledge constraints and quality of life
develop a healthy psychosocial
related to Jacobson's to the hospitalised patients.
regime consisting of constraints and
progressive relaxation
relaxation techniques disturbed quality of life
therapy in visually The health care administrator
for visually impaired which help them to
impaired individuals. facilities home care and
individuals. live a healthy life style
patients care learning.

1. A larger study sample can replicate the similar study.

2. Implementation of mindful meditation to reduce psychosocial

constraints and improve quality of life among family members and
other impaired groups.

3. Similar comparative study can be conducted on mentally ill patients

and handicapped individuals so to find there level of psychosocial
constraints and quality of life.

4. Similar study can be conducted for compression between two or

more interventions to reduce the psychosocial constraints and
improve quality of life.

5. Similar study can be conducted with the inclusion of a control


6. A study on major examples of speculation should be possible.


7. Similar study can be conducted using implementation of neurobic

exercises on visually impaired individuals.

8. Similar study can be conducted by implementation of Jacobson's

progressive muscle relaxation on old age individuals.

• Intervention was given for a very short period.

• The research sample was difficult to manage.


• The present investigation concludes that Jacobson's progressive muscle

relaxation was effectual in reduction of psychosocial constraints and
improvement of quality of life among visually impaired individuals. The
study needs more research with the same intervention and the samples.
The psychosocial constraints were having a moderately positive
correlation with quality of life among visually individuals.

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