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Lima Beans – (Patani) it is a semi-vine and trailing

vine cultivated for its tender and dried seeds.
Batao– It is a twining herb that grows chiefly
for its tender pods that is a nutritious vegetable
String Beans– (Sitao)-It is the most widely grown
vegetables of the legumes family. It is rich in vitamin
Squash – Very common vegetable in the country that
is a very good source of Vitamin A, Calcium and
Tomato– used as an ingredient in various recipes. It can
be grown in nearly all types of Philippine soils and is in
demand in the market. Vit. A, C, and Iron.
Eggplant– It can be grown during any month of
the year and it grows in almost any kind of soil
Chayote– This vegetable is perrenial for it continues
producing fruit for several years. One plant is enough
for home garden
Ampalaya – This vegetable is rich in minerals
and iron. It can be planted anytime of the year
Patola – It is usually planted in hills, with a
trellis to supportt the vine and fruits
Gabi – It is rich in energy and easy to grow. It grows
where the soil is mostly moist, as it needs plenty of
Carrots– It is a highly nutritious root crop. It is an
excellent source of Vitamin A. Carrot seed are planted
directly into the ground.
Onion– It is grown for its pungent and edible bulb. It is considered as the
most important bulb crop and is one of the most profitable dry-season
crops in our country, grown for its export market potential.
Sweet Potatoes (Camote)– One of the most cultivated root crops in the
Philippines. It can provide a steady income to farmers who grow this root
crop since it can be grown all year round and in almost any type of soil.
Garlic– Relativey good source of calcium, phosphorous, and potassium.
Its leaves are sources of protein and of vitamins A and C. In the Ilocos
Region and in many parts of sthe country, the green tops are used for
pinakbet, an Ilocano delicacy
Ginger– Can be successfully grown in the Philippines. It thrives well in
well-drained, friable, loamy soil in rich in organic zmatter or humus.
Ginger can grow in sandy or loose soil, provided it is planted at a depth
of about 30 cm, has enough wter and which does not hold water when it
folds or rains

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