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My Portfolio

Name: Pranjal
Class: 11
About Me
Welcome to my portfolio! I am quite thrilled to present an insight look of what I have experienced as a
Year 11 student. We all have ambitions and goals that we want to accomplish. Any person's ambition is
based on their preferences and areas of interest. I was always one of those kids who wanted to become a
doctor. Through my own personal experiences, I have witnessed the impact of illness on individuals and
their loved ones. However, this left me wondering, "How do people get sick?" and "How can you keep
yourself from getting sick?" My insatiable thirst for knowledge led me to explore more about the human
body and how it works to satisfy my curiosity. Without any further doubts, I knew this was the path that
I would pursue, no matter how much it took.

In addition to playing badminton, reading, and swimming, I also enjoyed spending time with family and
friends. By participating in house competitions and volunteering for community service in Thailand, I
was instilled with empathy and social responsibility because of my involvement with teaching in an
orphanage and cleaning the “Namdhari Sangat of Thailand”, protecting and ensuring a safe
environment. Balancing IGCSE studies with inter-house competition which was rehearsals was
challenging, though I learned to work under pressure.

As a result, the work in this collection reflects upon my commitment, growth and passion for learning
and self-development.
Work Hard In
Let Success Make
the Noise.

Trophy For Spelling Bee Competition
Certificate for International English Olympiad
Certificate for Fashion Show
Participation in Inter-School Spelling Bee Competition
Certificate for Rangoli Competition
Certificate for Spell Bee Competition
Certificate for Dance Competition
Participation in Creative Art Competition
Certificate of Appreciation in Plastic Awareness Campaign
Participation in World Peace Ethic Contest
Certificate of Appreciation
First Place in Long Jump
Second Place in Running Race
Participation in Inter-School Futsal Competition
Thank You!

Made By: Pranjal Sharma

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