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Good working habits

Direction; The student will identify whether the image depicts good or
bad habits.
It is not enough that you are aware of the different
embroidery stitches, tools and materials needed in
embroidery work. How to do it correctly, neatly and
beautifully is also just important.
To ensure cleanliness and maintain the good quality
of your work, always bear in mind the following
good working habits.
•Fabric, Needle and Thread Combinations

•Confused about which thread goes with what fabric?

How about picking the right needle to match that fabric
and thread? Don't panic, we can help! Here's a nice
simple chart that will make it much easier.
Direction; on ½ sheets of paper copy and write what is the perfect
combinations that depends in the question

1. Very lightweight: Batiste, Chiffon, Organza, Voile and similar fabrics. What is the
perfect needle combination for handwork of this fabric?
2. Heavyweight: canvas, ducking, sailcloth, upholstery and
similar fabrics. What is the perfect thread combination of
this fabric?

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