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Wala’y Makalabaw Nimo,

Sung by Berlinda Mambo-o
(Video ni siya raph/josh)
“If you were a celebrity, who would you be?”
Name: “I am ______________.
Age: “I’m ___________________.
Ministry Assignment & Parish or BEC:
“I serve as __________ at ____________.
Celebrity Name:
“And I am ________________.
Reason for choice:
“(Because) _________________.
Describing Me
Dyad Sharing
Scripture Reading:
1 Peter 2:9-10
9 But you are a chosen race, a royal
priesthood, a holy nation, a people
for God’s own possession, so that
you may proclaim the excellencies
of Him who has called you out of
darkness into His marvelous light;
10 for you once were not a people,
but now you are the people of God;
you had not received mercy, but now
you have received mercy.
Chosen People
“This is a person that I love. I
want to know this person
better. I chose you.”
Royal Priest
We are “royalty”, which means that we are sons and
daughters of the Creator of the Universe.

We are a priest. That carries so many meanings. You

have the ability to help lead others to that same
incredible love that God has for us. God’s People
1. In your own words, what is “identity”?
2.What are some of the “false” identities that people
around you cling to?
3.Why is it important to know what your identity is?
4.What is dangerous about finding your identity in
something that can change or be taken away?
1. Which part do you think was easy?
How about the difficult part?
2. How did you feel writing the positive words?
3. What do you think about the words people
wrote about you?
4. How do you feel about the things they wrote down?
5. Does this activity help you know yourself more? How?
is derived from the root
word “Persona” meaning
a mask
defines personality as
the individual differences
in characteristic patterns
of thinking, feeling and
The Bible teaches us
important truths
about our
Each of us
is unique
Each of us
is gifted.
Each of us
need to
study our
DISC Profile
Gallery Walk
What types of people are easiest
for you to get along with?
Most difficult?
Does learning your personality type
help you to embrace yourself?
How about other people?
Understanding ourselves enhances our
relationship with other people better.

Ultimately, learning, embracing and living

out our giftedness make us honor God
according to the way He designed us.
Learn from
(Matthew 5:38-39, 43-44)
Love your enemies…
Bless those who curse you…
Do good to those who hate you…
Pray for those who spitefully use
you and persecute you…
Jesus Christ’s message is all about how Jesus
will bring peace to the world (Isaiah 9:7)

and how we, His followers, ought to do

the same thing.
I am a child of God.
I am gifted and unique.
I am a Catholic.
I am a Mindanaoan.
Closing Prayer:
In the name of Father, and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit. Amen
With gratitude, we thank the Lord
for this day. Thank you, Lord, for the
graces received through and in the
interactions I have been into today.

In silence, let us let us be mindful of

God’s presence into our lives and reflect
on the following reflection question:
How has God been preset in my life today?
I thank the Lord for it.
Let us look back to the events of the day:
- In what experience have I seen Jesus Christ today?
- How have I become like Jesus Christ today?
- How will I be more like Jesus Christ?

Grant me, oh Lord, to be more conscious of

your presence in everything, today and always.
Let us pray the Prayer for
Generosity (Play the video).

In the name of the Father, and of the

Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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