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Writing a Literature Review Chapter

1. Introduction to Literature
Purpose of Literature
The literature review
chapter is an essential
component of
academic writing,
serving several
Purpose of the Literature Review

1.Establishing the Context

The literature review provides a comprehensive overview of existing
research and knowledge in a specific field or topic, establishing the
context for the study.

2.Identifying Gaps and Research Questions

By reviewing existing literature, researchers can identify gaps in
knowledge and formulate research questions that contribute to the
existing body of knowledge.
Purpose of the Literature Review

3.Evaluating and Analyzing Previous Studies

The literature review allows researchers to critically evaluate and
analyze previous studies, identifying strengths, weaknesses, and
limitations of existing research.

4.Supporting the Research Methodology

The literature review helps researchers select appropriate research
methods and methodologies by providing insights into previous studies'
approaches and methodologies.
Purpose of the Literature Review

5. Establishing Credibility and

By demonstrating a thorough understanding of existing
literature, researchers can establish their credibility and the
significance of their own research.
2. Identifying the Research
Topic Step 1: Step 2: Review
Understand the Existing Knowledge
Conduct a
Before identifying preliminary review
the research topic, of existing literature
it is important to to identify gaps or
understand the areas that require
purpose of the further exploration.
literature review. This will help in
Determine whether formulating a
the review will be research topic that
broad or focused, contributes to the
and what specific existing knowledge
research questions in the field.
it aims to address.
2. Identifying the Research Topic

Step 3: Brainstorm Ideas

Brainstorm potential research topics that align with the
purpose of the literature review and address the
identified gaps. Consider the scope and feasibility of
each topic, as well as its relevance to the field of study.
2. Identifying the Research Topic

Step 4: Refine the Topic

Narrow down the list of potential research topics
based on their significance, feasibility, and alignment
with the research questions. Choose a topic that is
specific enough to be manageable within the scope
of the literature review.
2. Identifying the Research
Topic Step 5: Consult Step 6: Finalize the
with Advisors Research Topic
Seek feedback After considering
and guidance all the above
from advisors or steps, finalize the
mentors to research topic for
ensure that the the literature
chosen research review chapter.
topic is Ensure that it
appropriate and aligns with the
relevant. They purpose of the
can provide review and
valuable insights contributes to the
and help refine existing body of
the topic further. knowledge in the
3. Searching & Selecting
Relevant Literature

Identify Keywords and Search

• Start by identifying
keywords and search
terms relevant to
your research topic.
• Use these keywords to
search academic databases,
online libraries, and other
sources for relevant
3. Searching & Selecting
Relevant Literature
Evaluate Sources
• Evaluate the credibility and relevance of the
sources you find.
• Consider the author's credentials, publication
date, and the source's reputation.
• Ensure that the sources align with your
research objectives and contribute to the
existing body of knowledge.
3. Searching & Selecting
Relevant Literature

Organize and Manage Sources

• Keep track of the literature you find by organizing and managing your
• Use citation management tools to create bibliographies and citations.
• Create a system for organizing your sources, such as using folders or tags.
3. Searching & Selecting
Relevant Literature
Select the Most Relevant Literature
• Review the literature you have collected and
select the most relevant sources.
• Consider the research questions or objectives of
your study.
• Choose sources that provide valuable insights,
support your arguments, and contribute to the
overall understanding of your research topic.
4. Analyzing and Evaluating

Identify Evaluate the Credibility Analyze the Content Identify Themes

Relevant • Assess the • Read and analyze and Patterns
Sources credibility of each the content of each • Look for common
• Start by identifying source by source to themes, patterns,
relevant sources considering the understand the main and trends across
such as scholarly author's expertise, arguments, the literature.
articles, books, and publication date, methodologies, and • Identify areas of
reputable websites. and the reputation findings. agreement and
• Use academic of the publishing • Take notes on key disagreement
platform. among different
databases and points, relevant
search engines to • Look for peer- quotes, and any sources.
find literature related reviewed sources as gaps or limitations
to your research they undergo in the research.
topic. rigorous evaluation
by experts in the
4. Analyzing and Evaluating

Synthesize the Critically Evaluate the Literature Identify Gaps and

Li•terature • Critically evaluate the Future Directions
Organize the literature based
on the identified strengths and weaknesses of • Identify any gaps or
themes and patterns. each source. unanswered
• Summarize the main points • Consider the questions in the literature.
and arguments from methodology, • Suggest areas for future
each source, sample size, and potential research and
highlighting their relevance to biases in the potential contributions
your research. research. to the field.
5. Organizing and Structuring the
The literature review chapter is a critical component of any research paper or thesis. It provides an overview
and analysis of existing research and scholarly articles related to the topic of study. To effectively organize and
structure the literature review chapter, consider the following guidelines:
Guidelines for Organizing and
6. Writing the Literature Review
REMEMBER: Purpose of the Literature Review
• The literature review chapter provides a
comprehensive overview of the existing research
and scholarly articles relevant to the topic of study.
• It demonstrates the researcher's knowledge of
the field and the gaps that the current study
aims to address.
6. Writing the Literature Review
Tips for Effective Writing
• Start by clearly defining the research question
or objective that the literature review will
• Conduct a thorough search of relevant
literature using academic databases,
journals, and books.
• Organize the literature review by themes or
subtopics to provide a logical flow of
• Critically evaluate and analyze the literature,
highlighting key findings and methodologies
• Synthesize the information by comparing and
contrasting different studies and identifying
patterns or gaps in the research.
• Provide a clear and concise summary of the
literature review, highlighting its significance and
relevance to the current study.
7. Citing and Referencing Sources
Why is citing and Proper citation Referencing
referencing formats examples
When citing sources in Here are some
im ortand
ant?referencing your literature review, it examples of how to
your sources is crucial in is important to follow the reference different
a literature review citation style specified types of sources:
chapter to acknowledge by your academic • Book: Last name,
the original authors and institution or the journal
First initial.
give credit to their work. you are submitting your
(Year). Title of
It also helps to establish work to. Common
book. Publisher.
the credibility and citation styles include
validity of your own APA, MLA, and Chicago. • Journal article: Last
research by showing Make sure to include name, First
that it is built upon the author's name, initial. (Year).
existing knowledge and publication year, and the Title of article.
research in the field. title of the work in your Journal Name,
citations. If you are Volume(Issue),
quoting directly from a Page
source, include the page numbers.
number as well. • Website: Last name,
First initial. (Year).
Title of

Website Name.
8. Common Challenges and

Challenge: Lack of Challenge: Finding Relevant

O•rganization So
• ur ces
Tip: Create an outline before you start Tip: Use academic databases and search engines
• Ti to find scholarly articles.
p: Use headings and subheadings to structure
your literature review. • Tip: Read abstracts and introductions to
determine the relevance of a source.
8. Common Challenges and

Challenge: Synthesizing Challenge: Avoiding

• Tirmation Plagia
• Tipr: iU
p: Summarize key points from each se proper citations and references for
• Ti all sources.
p: Identify common themes and trends
across sources. • Tip: Paraphrase information in your own words
and cite the original source.
8. Common Challenges and

Challenge: Writing Clearly and Challenge: Formatting and Citations

• Tips:el y • Tip: Follow the specific formatting
Use clear and concise
• Tip: Avoid jargon and technical terms guidelines provided by your institution.
unless necessary. • Tip: Use citation management software to
organize and format your references.

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