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IB Program qualification checklist for IB connection:

This assessment will always be Epic & IB Program specific and evaluated differently case-by-case.
A specific deviation might be seen as a stopper for one Epic/IB Program while for another Epic/IB Program it might still be possible to mitigate & connect.
Its therefore not recommended to specify strict qualification requirements but instead assess the necessary areas in order to make an overall judgement if the Epic is qualifying for the IB Program or not.

1. General Information:
The Scope

 What is the Epic scope? Description of product change including Obj. numbers, variants, affected product classes, affected plants , Volumes + other useful info.
 How does the Epic team/organization look like? (Team contacts, Product stream & reporting committee)
 What is the requested Intro block to join? (I.e. Targeted SP-start)
 What are the requested builds & V&V tests to join?

 How does this scope affect application sites?


2. Brand / Business value:

 Is the scope considered as a key feature from a brand/business perspective and important to be introduced within a specific intro block?
The Need

(E.g. Updated branded logotypes (Iron Mark), Camera Monitoring system, etc.)
3. Legal demands
 Is the scope critical to be introduced within a specific intro block from a legal perspective? (E.g. Fuel efficiency/Emission regulations, Safety regulations, etc.)
4. Dependencies
 Does the scope have any dependencies with other areas? ( the scope an enabler for any other product change/modification or dependent on that other product
changes are part of the program scope? )

5. Timing & IB Milestones:

 Does the Epic commit to the requested SP-start and IB milestones?  Commitment to IB Release calendar (IB 2023 , IB 2024)
Program Pre-requisites

 Have required part planning & securement activities been done? (E.g. B-rel, CRI, CRR) See Part securement guideline

 Are there any deviations expected in regards of Part maturity towards program builds ? (CPOT for C-build, PPAP for P-build)
 V&V plan  What is the planned verification and will the part maturity be sufficient for the verification needs?
 Have suppliers been nominated? If not, when planned? Is the Global sourcing strategy defined? Does it impact local content for specific markets?
 Is the development time plan cross functionally anchored?
6. Investment:
 Has the investment decision been made by stream or when planned?
I.e. Commitment on project Quality, Production start (Delivery), investment Cost, product Cost and product Performance (QDCCP) of a Product Change / Evolution
 Is the development and investment considered for all plants at the decision?

7. Deviations, Issues & Risks


 If any expected deviations towards program pre-requisites, what are they and what is the mitigation plan?
 What are the top Issues & risks and the mitigation plan?

8. Status for next IB Program gate:


 Does the development have sufficient maturity to pass next IB program gate? PAP - Self-assessment.
Volvo Group Trucks For Powertrain & EMOB: Is the Gate opened by a steering committee?

1 9. Endorsement:
 Is the IB Connection endorsed in relevant stream/steering committee or when planned? (E.g. TMM)
Useful links:
· IB Program 2023 Sharepoint - LINK

– IB Program 2023 Release calendar – LINK

– IB Program 2024 Release calendar – LINK

– IB Program 2023 Main time plan - LINK

– Self assessment template - LINK

Presentation showing an example of how Epics can be presented in front of an IB-Connection meeting. ​
IB Connection request - Example report.pptx

This is an example, if another format is preferred its OK as long as the answers to the checklist are captured. ​

Volvo Group Trucks Technology

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