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Swimming as a kind of

written by
Glukhova Sofia 8 E
Swimming is a sport or sports,discipline
of which consists in overcoming varios
distances in the shortest time.the first
swimming competition was held in
Venezia in 1515
My choice
I have selected swimming as a kind
of sport for my project,beacouse it is
not so trite,as athletics or football(it is
only my opinion),and also swimming
is very healthy
for the spin and health in general
as mentioned above,the first swimming
competition took place in 1515,and
from that time the era of swimming
sports begun.Tne first book dedicated
to swimming was published in
Danemark in 1538.In 1836 the first
Olimpic games were held in Athens,the
program of witch included
swimming(freestyle).in 1908 the
international swimming federation
developed rules and distances for
The end of the presentation

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