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Prayer according to Arabic comes
from the word ( ‫ )ٱلَّص اَل ة‬which means
prayer. According to syara' terms
prayer is a worship that is
composed of several words and
several actions that begin with
takbiratul ihram and end with
greetings and meet certain
conditions and pillars
Prayer is the second pillar of Islam,
so that a person's Islam is
incomplete if he does not pray.
According to the hadith of the
Prophet, prayer is the pillar of
religion, so whoever establishes
prayer means he has founded a
religion, and whoever leaves the
prayer, he has overthrown the
Prayers are ordered to be
established by all Muslims because
according to surah Al-'Ankabut
verse 45 it can prevent heinous and
unjust acts. ‫ٰل َۗة‬ ‫ْل‬ ‫ُاْتُل َم ٓا ُاْو َيِح ِا َلْي َك ِم َن ا ِكٰتِب َو َاِق ِم الَّص و‬
‫ِا َّن الَّص ٰلوَة َتٰهْنى َع ِن اْلَفْح َش ۤاِء َو اْلُم ْنَكِر ۗ َو ِذَل ْكُر‬
‫اِهّٰلل َاْكُرَب ۗ َو اُهّٰلل َيْعُمَل َم ا َتْص َنُع ْو َن‬
And establish prayer, verily prayer prevents from (deeds) abominable and
unjust,'' and verily the remembrance of Allah (prayer) is greater (its priority
than other acts of worship) and Allah knows what you do. " (Surah al-
Ankabut [29]: 45)
Adab Perform
START 1. A Sincere Heart
Pray Allah Almighty said: “ they are not even
asked except worship Him with purifying
their loyalty in following the religious ways.
And in order they could establish praying and
25 5
giving donation. These are the right ways”.
(Al-Bayyinah: 5)
20 10
And Allah Almighty will not accept the alms
except those are done sincerely. Showing off
(Riya’) and asking for praising) Sum’ah are
the barriers to be accepted.
2. Perfecting Take Ablution
Taking ablution should done perfectly as possible.
From Abu Hurairah r.a, prophet Muhammad said “do you
want me to show you something that God could remove the
sin and enhance the rank?”. They answered “ we want
them” Rosulullah said “ Perfecting in taking ablution in
the hard times” (Al Makarih is a hard and cold condition or
START TIMER 3.Be Hurry to Perform Prayings
It means that be hurry to come out from your
home and go to mosque in order we belong to
people who are waiting for prayings. From Abu
Hurairah explained “ prophet Muhammad said
whoever will be treated as doing prayer as he is
waiting for its time” [HR. Al-Bukhari]
7. Wearing our best clothes, when the call to prayer
has arrived. One who is neat, polite, good, smells
good (for men) and covers the private parts

8. Keep cleanliness and sanctity of the place

of prayer from the existing impurity.
6. Pray When Going In and Out of Mosque

 When going in read “I ask protection to Allah Almighty with His honour face and
His wide Power from any disturbance of accursed syaitan” [HR. Abu Dawud]. “In
the name of Allah, praising and shalawat in the name of Rosulullah” [HR.
Muslim]. Oh lord please open your blessing door for me” [HR. Muslim]

 When going out, “in the name of Allah, sholawat and

praising to prophet Muhammad, lord, I beg your favor.
Please keep me from cursed syaitan” [HR. Ibnu
9.Always dzikir after perform pray
All Muslims are suggested to perform dzikir, pray or 10.pray seriously (Khusyu’)
read Al quran while waiting prayer’s time and keep
Being khusyu’ means as a prior and a soul of
calm and not disturb other people who are praying.
praying. Praying that has been done seriously as a body
without soul. Ibnu Rajab Rahimahullah said “ the
basic meaning od khusyu’ is a soft heart, humble, calm,
and obedience. If the heart felt the seriousness, then
other parts of body will be khusyu’ as well like soldier
obey their major.” [Al-Khusyu’, by Ibnu Rajab]
11. Applying the sunnah of Rosulullah START
SLIDE 1 Lillahi Ta’ala
Praying is a worship that comes after the TIMER
dalil and take for example from
Rosulullah. In praying, a person does not
have any rights to do or say as what they
will. Rosulullah said “ pray like how you
see me” . [HR. Al-Bukhari]
Adab of Dhikr
Dhikr according to language means
remember. Its meant is remembering Allah by
reading a lot of thayyibah sentences

Before dhikr we must set our hearts to sincerely

dhikr to Allah and presents the meaning of dhikr
in the heart.
Adab of Dhikr
1. Dzikr as exemplified by the Rasulullah
2. Trying to understand its meaning and khusu’ do it
3. Sitting in a holy place or room
4. Wearing clean clothes and use perfume for men
5. Choose a rather quiet place, you can close your
eyes so you can be more special when you pray
because you don't see things that can disturb
you when you pray

The Quran is the infallible Word of Allah. The Qur'an is

a guide to shirotal mustaqiim (the straight path) which
guides humans in living their lives, so that they can
survive in this world and the hereafter.
When reading Al quran, then a moeslem
need to pay attention to the manners in
perfecting the perfection of Al Quran:

1.Reading in holy condition, sit politely

and be calm. In reading al quran, a person
is suggested to read in holy condition. But it
is allowed to read in hadast (unholy)
2. Reading slowly (Tartil) to be
able to understand the verse
that is read.
Rosulullah asked Abdulloh Ibnu Umar to
complete al quran every week (HR. Bukhari,
Muslim). As what Abdullah bin Mas’ud,
Utsman bin Affan, Zaid bin Tsabit had done.
They completed Al quran once a week.

Rosulullah said: “whoever reads al

quran completely (Khatam) no less
than 3 days, means that he
understood,” (HR. Ahmad and
composers of Sunan).
3. Reading al quran seriously (Khusyu’)
with shedding tears because of being
affected by the verses that is read until
the heart melting.

Alloh Almighty explained that some of the characters of his

good servants: “ and they kneel on their faces while crying.
Then they become better”. However it is not recommended
for people who are faking their cries.
4.producing good sound when reading
al qur’an. Prophet Muhammad said (HR.
Ahmad, Ibnu Majah dan al-ণakim). In hadist D B
stated not part of my moeslem members who
doesn’t beautify his reading” (HR. Bukhari dan
This hadist means as Al Quran must be
read correctly based on its appropriate
makhraj, long or short of the reading should
not cross the line of the law of islam
5.Reading al qur’an by reading
isti’azah, Allah Almighty

“and if you read Al quran, ask a protection from

Alloh from the seduction of syaitan (QS. An-Nahl:
Reading al quran should not disturb other people who are
praying and keep the voice down while reading it as in public
places. Reading al quran should be with low voice as well as be
khusyu’. 0

Prophet Muhammad said” remember
2 that every one of you
worship God, Then there is none of you who disturb other people and
one of you who voiced louder than others while reading(Al-Quran).”
(HR. Abu Dawud, Nasa’i, Baihaqi dan Hakim). 3

Let us learn together about ways,
tips, and manner of saying prayer in
order Alloh Almight could grant our
wishes. Prayer is a weapon of
faithful man because with prayer, a
servant confirmed his own
weakness, needs and also lacking of
a protection from Alloh the creator
of world and here after.
We as faithful servants are
suggested to always say prayers and
ask help to Alloh the only God. But,
sometimes our prayers are not in
harmony with our wishes. not
necessarily what we want is the
best for us

Inversely, what we hate might

be the best for us. So, Believe
that everything God already
decided is for our goodness.
Father and mother are our parents. Mother
was pregnant and gave birth to us. Father and
mother care for and love us sincerely. As devout
children we must always respect father and
mother, obey all good orders from mother and
1.Obey parental orders
2.Speak politely, gently to parents
3.listen to and obey parental advice
4.Always ask permission and say
goodbye when going
5.Do not frown and get angry with
7. When called immediately answer
8. If ordered to do so immediately
9. Don't argue
10.Help lighten work at home
11.When parents are sick, take care
of them sincerely
12.Pray for parents

Teachers are our parents at school. We must

respect, affection and be polite to teachers. Because
the teacher is very useful. Teachers teach us so that
we can be smart. Teachers teach us so that we can
read, write, count and know a lot of knowledge.
The teacher also teaches us to have good behavior.
Respect, affection and be polite to teachers
1. Pay attention and listen to the teacher while teaching
2. Excited when receiving lessons
3. Talking politely and softly to the teacher
4. Carry out the duties of the teacher with full
5. Ask the teacher for permission when going out of the
classroom, to the toilet or there are other interests
6. Listen to and obey the advice of the teacher
7. Helping teachers when they need help
8. Pray for the welfare of teachers so that they can teach

Why should we have good manners to parents?

Parents are people who are very meritorious in taking
care of and raising us. nothing can repay the love of
parents. parents always pray for their children to get
happiness in the world and hereafter.
1. Because if a child does not do good to his parents
then he is a disobedient (durhaka) child. If you
become a child who is disobedient (durhaka) to
your parents, then you are committing a big sin.
2. If a child does bad things to his parents, then Allah
will immediately show his punishment in this world
without having to wait in the hereafter.
3. A child who does bad to his parents will not get
happiness in this world and in the hereafter
4. If a child is disobedient (durhaka) to his parents, he
will not be ridho by his parents, thus Allah will not be
ridho with him.
5. Child who has good manners to his parents,
will get happiness in this world and in the
6. A child who is disobedient (durhaka) to his
parents, then in the future his child will also
be disobedient(durhaka) to him

How can we perform pray with khusu’?

1. Intend to pray with the hope of Allah's blessing (ridho)
Allah's purpose in creating humans is to worship Him, so
when worship to Allah, one should straighten out one's
intention to earn Allah's blessing (ridho)
2. Perfect ablution
By perfecting ablution it will be able to straighten our
intentions to perform prayers so that we can perform
pray with khusu’
3. Read the shahadat and pray before praying to ask Allah

for protection from the devil's disturbance

4. Focus our hearts and minds on only Allah
5. Trying to understand the meaning of the prayer that is
read when praying
6. Carry out the pillars of prayer with tuma'ninah
7. Consider our prayer is the last prayer

Why do we have to apply adab when

reading the Qur'an?
1. Because the Al-Qur'an is the word of Allah
Al-Qur'an is the word of Allah which must be read well

and its meaning understood then applied in daily life

2. Because the Al-Qur'an is the way of life for Muslims
Al-Qur'an is a guide for the life of Muslims so that they

can live happily in this world and in the hereafter

3. Because the Al-Qur’an is the holy book of Muslims
4. Because if we apply good manners when reading the
Qur'an then we will get a reward from Allah

1. Why do we have to apply adab in

2. How the ways in order can dhikr at
every time?

4.How if there are people who dhikr while

watching television?
5. Why do we have to be civilized (adab) when
perform pray and dhikr?

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