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How do we get more energy from the sun?

The Sun is providing us plenty of energy. We just don’t know

yet how to store it efficiently for using it afterwards as we need.
In 3 days, the Earth is getting energy from the Sun enough to
provide the entire annual consumption of the whole mankind. If
the Sun would provide additional energy, we all might get
burned out by the excessive heat. So, it’s better now as it is.
The trees know perfectly how to exploit the energy from Sun
and storing it. We call the process Photosynthesis. They store
the energy from Sun by creating materialistic reservoirs of
energy called Sugar. And all the living creatures feed and
survive directly (herbivores) or indirectly (carnivores) on those
materialistic-reservoirs-of-energy created from the solar energy.
Without the trees knowing how to exploit the solar energy, there
wouldn’t be any organic life on the Earth.
How do we get more energy from the sun?
The Sun is already providing us with a tremendous amount of energy in the form of sunlight.
This energy can be harnessed using solar panels to generate electricity, which can power
homes, businesses, and even entire cities. However, there are also several other ways that the
Sun's energy can be utilized to provide us with additional energy:
1.Solar thermal energy: In addition to generating electricity, the Sun's energy can be used to
heat water and air. This is called solar thermal energy, and it can be used to provide space
heating, hot water, and even to power industrial processes.
2.Concentrated solar power (CSP): CSP technology uses mirrors or lenses to focus the Sun's
energy onto a small area, creating heat that can be used to generate electricity. CSP systems
can be used on a large scale, such as in solar power plants, to generate electricity for entire
3.Solar fuels: Scientists are researching ways to use the Sun's energy to produce clean fuels,
such as hydrogen and other synthetic fuels. These fuels could be used to power vehicles and
other forms of transportation.
4.Space-based solar power: Some scientists and engineers are exploring the idea of collecting
solar energy in space and transmitting it to Earth using microwave or laser beams. This could
potentially provide a virtually unlimited source of clean energy.
Overall, there are many ways that the Sun's energy can be harnessed to provide us with
additional energy, and scientists and engineers are constantly exploring new technologies and
methods to make this possible.
What’s at the bottom of the ocean?
The bottom of the ocean is a mysterious and fascinating place
that is home to a diverse range of living creatures. Despite the
lack of sunlight and extreme pressure, life still thrives in this
alien ecosystem. In this section, we will explore some of the
fascinating creatures that call the ocean floor home.
The ocean floor is a vast and mysterious place with a diverse range of
geological features, including underwater mountains, deep trenches, and
vast plains.
The bottom of the ocean is also home to a variety of marine life,
including deep-sea creatures that have adapted to the harsh conditions of
this environment.
The deepest part of the ocean is the Challenger Deep, located
in the Mariana Trench in the western Pacific Ocean. At the
bottom of the Challenger Deep, there is a layer of sediment, and
the water pressure is so intense that it is almost 8 tons per
square inch.
The area is also home to a variety of unique and fascinating
creatures, including giant tube worms and deep-sea fish.
Will we ever cure cancer?
Cancer is a group of diseases that we may never be able to cure completely, but scientists are optimistic that
vaccines, personalised medicine and smart lifestyle choices will help prevent and treat a much greater
proportion of cases than currently happens.
If we can ever cure cancer completely – that is an open question
which I cannot answer. We have a good chance of drastically
reducing the incidence of cancers, but what we see at present is
that the incidence, or occurrence, of cancer is increasing
The mortality of cancer patients is slightly decreasing, but the
increase in incidence is not compensated by the decrease in
mortality. There are still a large number of cases coming up
every year, and if we really want to do something against cancer
in the future, we need to stop the increase.

Cancer cells within a single tumour are not identical

Not every cancer cell in a tumour will have the same genetic
mutations as a neighbouring cancer cell. That means that
treatments can often kill one type of cell in a tumour, while
others survive the treatment, allowing the tumour to grow again.
Cancer = death sentence
Despite the terrible mortality statistics given above, oncological diseases are curable.

So, according to data from the US National Cancer Institute, today in America the 5-year survival rate for
some types of cancer (breast, prostate and thyroid cancer) is more than 90%. Five-year survival for all types
of cancer is now about 67%.

Maksym Petrusha, a family doctor at the "ON Clinic Cherkasy" medical center, will tell you more about
cancer mortality rates:

"According to the latest research, since 2001, the number of cancer deaths in the world has decreased by 1.5%
every year. To a large extent, this is also due to the fact that today there is a much greater chance of
diagnosing the presence of a cancerous tumor at an early stage of its development and starting therapy in time.
At the same time, it is important to understand that there is no such thing as a safe oncology: any cancer is
fatal in the absence of treatment, so it is important to regularly undergo cancer screening. Such precautions
can save your life."

And yet, incurable types of cancer are those that affect the organs of the gastrointestinal tract (intestine,
esophagus, stomach), liver and respiratory tract and form metastases in distant organs. Metastatic oncology in
the last stages is considered inoperable and often leads to death.

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