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What is

What is procrastination?
In simple terms, procrastination means putting off or
delaying things you need to do, usually in favor of doing
something easier or more enjoyable. It's like deciding to
watch TV instead of doing your homework, even when you
know you should be studying.
Why do we procrastinate even though we know it is bad for

Lack of motivation
Fear of Failure
Time underestimation
Feeling overwhelmed.
Preference for instant gratification
1. Lack of motivation
• If a task doesn’t feel rewarding or important, it is easier to put it off. When a person lacks
motivation, they may be in avoidance mode rather than drive mode which ultimately
causes procrastination. Lack of motivation can also stem from fear of failure, which can
cause a person to put off tasks or avoid them altogether. When in low level of mental and
physical energies, a person may lack the motivation to start or complete a task which can
lead to procrastination.
• To overcome procrastination caused by lack of motivation, it is important to
identify the root cause of lack of motivation and take steps to address it
accordingly. This may including breaking the task in smaller manageable
pieces and rewarding oneself upon completion.

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