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Describing trends
Supporting your arguments
Talking about the future
Future simple
 Watch a clip
 Predict what will happen next
 E.g. ”The player will probably score a goal.”

Describing trends
 How to describe the ups and downs?
Describing trends
 Words to use:

Increase Decrease Remain steady Fluctuate

Predictions and trends
 Talk in groups (you can use google)
 Make predictions about future trends in Vietnam
 Give reasons and examples

 The economy of Vietnam

 Interest rates in Vietnam
 The price of smartphones
 The price of Bitcoin

 E.g. ”I think the price of Bitcoin will probably fluctuate,

because it’s a speculative asset and isn’t widely used yet. For

example, most stores don’t accept Bitcoin yet.”
Attendance check
Pronunciation game
Tongue twisters
 Work in pairs
 Say the sentences out loud

 1. Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear. Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair. Fuzzy

Wuzzy wasn’t fuzzy, was he?
 2. She sells seashells by the seashore
 3. Stupid superstition (x3)
 4. Truly rural (x3)
 5. Which wristwatches are Swiss wristwatches?
 6. Ed had edited it. (x3)
 gori
Pronunciation game
Tongue twisters
 Work in pairs
 Say the sentences out loud

 1. Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers

A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked
If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers
Where’s the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?

 2. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck

could chuck wood?
He would chuck, he would, as much as he could, and chuck as
much wood
 P.30-31
 Work in pairs
 Read the text out loud in turns
 Pay attention to the final S-sound
 E.g. characteristics
 If you don’t know how to pronounce a word,
you can google it or ask the teacher
 P.30
 Pre-reading
 Skim the passage (read it quickly)
Understanding main ideas
 P.32
 Get the main idea of each paragraph by
focusing on the subheading and the first

 Show characteristics
Understanding details
 P.32
 Use keywords to help you
 E.g. Predictive

 P.32, A
 dog

 Emerging
 Relevant
 Analyze
 Take advantage of

 Listen to the Vietnamese translation

 Guess which word it is in English

 Emerging
 Relevant
 Analyze
 Predictive
 Characteristics
 Distinguish
Critical thinking

 P.32
 Talk in groups
 Give reasons and examples

 P.33
 Work in pairs
 Use google if you need to

 P.33-34

 Ozzy reviews

 plane

 Work in groups
 Think of nouns that fit these adjectives

 Crucial - oxygen
 Lone -
 Ridiculous -
 Emulating -
 Nurturing -
 Over-glorified -
Break until 15:15
Discuss in groups in English

 Why are trends important in business?

 Give examples
Predicting trends

 Watch a video of possible future trends and

write them down
 Which ones do you think will be important?
 Talk in groups and use some phrases from
p.36 (Describing probability)
 Examples:
 ”There’s a possibility that...”
 ”It’s likely that...”
 ”I think we’ll see...”
Predicting trends

 Prepare a short (~3 minutes) group

presentation about any future trend
 Use ”will” and ”going to”
 Describe probabilities
 ”There’s a possibility that...”
 ”It’s likely that...”
 ”I think we’ll see...”
 Describe the words and make sentences:

 Emerging
 Relevant
 Analyze
 Predictive
 Characteristics
 Distinguish
 Emulate
 Nurture
 Over-glorified
 Crucial


 Homework
 Unit 2, part 2

 Prepare a few slides and give your presentation on the next class (1 – 2 minutes)

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