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Krisztián, Bonifác, Zsombor

Before we begin…
What is corruption?
● Generally the abuse of public office for private
benefits and gains
● Different definitions exist
○ De jure
○ De facto
What can lead to corrution?
Lack of ethical values

Financial pressure

Power imbalance
2023 Corruption Index Map

Developing countries, post-

socialist countries have bad

EU’s worst:

Western countries have good

Corruption in Russia

Buisness and politics


Political opponents
Systemic Issues

Systemic corruption: corruption is normalised

Corruption is legitimised
Forms of corruption
Most common: bribery

General abuse, unethical use of authority

Nepotism, favoritism

Malversation, embezzlement
Some corruption scandals from the near past

FIFA: bribary, money laundring

Erdogan’s government crisis

Gupta family’s influence on South Africa

What are the consequences of corruption?

Less Trust

Wasting Money

Not Fair Elections

International Reputation Damage

How can we prevent corruption?

Report corruption

Why should we educate people
about corruption?


The End
Thank you for your attention!

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