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 Data type in Python specifies the type of

data we are going to store in any Python supports following data types:
variable, the amount of memory it will  Numbers ( int, float, complex)
take and type of operation we can
perform on a variable.  Sequence(String, List, Tuple)/Order
 Data can be of many types e.g. character,  Dictionary /Sets: unorder
integer, real, string etc.

Number data types are used to store numeric values. Numbers in Python can be of following
a) Integers(signed)
b) Booleans
(ii)Floating point numbers
(iii)Complex Numbers

Integers allows to store whole numbers only and there is no fraction parts.
 Integers can be positive and negative e.g. 100, 250, -12, +50
There are two integers in Python:
1) Integers(signed) : it is normal integer representation of whole numbers.
Integers in python can be on any length, it is only limited by memory available.
2)Booleans: it allows to store only two values True and False.
 The internal value of boolean value True and False is 1 and 0 resp.
 We can get boolean value from 0 and 1 using bool() function.
>>>bool(1) True
>>>int(False) 0



 It allows to store numbers with decimal points. For e.g. 2.14.

 The decimal point indicate that it is not an integer but a float value.
 100 is an integer but 100.5 is a float value.

1. Fractional Form : 200.50, 0.78, -12.787

2. Exponent Form : it is represented with mantissa and exponent. For e.g

>>>x = 1.5E2 # means 1.5 x 102 which is 150


 Floating point number are mainly used for storing values like distance, area,
temperature etc. which have a fractional part.
Floating point numbers have two advantage over integers:
 they can represent values between the integers
 they can represent a much greater range of values
But floating point numbers suffers from one disadvantage also:
 Floating point operations are usually slower than integer operations.

 Python represent complex numbers in the form A+Bj.

 a = 0 + 6j
 b = 2.5 + 3J
 Python allows to retrieve real and imaginary part of complex number using attributes: real and imag
If the complex number is a then we can write a.real or a.imag


 A Python sequence is an ordered collection of items, where

each item is indexed by an integer value
 It can be classified into
 String
 List
 Tuple

 String is a group of characters.

 These characters may be alphabets, digits or special characters including spaces.
 String values are enclosed either
 in single quotation marks (for example ‘Hello’) or
 in double quotation marks (for example “Hello”).
 The quotes are not a part of the string, they are used to mark the beginning and end of
the string for the interpreter.
 For example
 >>> str1 = ‘Good Morning’
 >>> str2 = "452"
String Types in Python

 Python allows you to have two string types:

1. Single Line Strings
 The string we create using single or double quotes are normally single-line
string i.e. they must terminate in one line.
 For e.g if you type as
 Name="KV” and press enter
 Python we show you an error “EOL while scanning string literal”
 The reason is quite clear, Python by default creates single-line string
with both single quotes and it must terminate in the same line by quotes
2.Multiline String
 Some times we need to store some text across multiple lines. For that Python offers
multiline string.
 To store multiline string Python provides two ways:
A.By adding a backslash at the end of normal Single / Double
 quoted string. For e.g.
 >>> Name="1/6 Mall Road \ Kanpur"
 >>> Name
 '1/6 Mall RoadKanpur'
 >>>
2.Multiline String
(b) By typing text in triple quotation marks
 for e.g.

>>> Address="""1/7 Preet Vihar

New Delhi
 >>> print(Address) will give
1/7 Preet Vihar
New Delhi

 In Python string is a sequence of characters and each character can be individually access using index.
 From beginning the first character in String is at index 0 and last will be at len-1.
 From backward direction last character will be at index -1 and first character will be at –len.

Forward 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
indexing W E L C O M E
e -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1
Backward indexing

To access individual character of String (Slicing). we can use the syntax:
 StringName[index position]

>>>print(stream[0]) S
>>>print(stream[3]) e
>>>print(stream[-1]) e

What will be the output:



 List is a sequence of items separated by commas and items are enclosed in

square brackets [ ].
 Note that items may be of different data types.
 #To create a list
>>> list1 = [5, 3.4, "New Delhi", "20C", 45] #print the elements of the list list1
>>> list1
[5, 3.4, 'New Delhi', '20C', 45]

 Each element in list is accessed using value called index as we do in string(forward and backward).
 The fist index value is 0, the second index is 1 and so on.
 To access an element, use square brackets with the index [] value of that element.

 >>> list1 = [2,4,6,8,10,12]

 >>> list1[0] #returns first element of list1
 2
 >>> list1[3] #returns fourth element of list1
 8
 #Out of range index value for the list returns error
 >>> list1[15]

1. empty list: l = list()

2.long list l=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,22,34]
3. nested list : l=[3,4,[1,2]]

 >>> list1[1+4]
 12
 >>> list1[-1] #return first element from right
 12
 #length of the list1 is assigned to n
 >>> n = len(list1)
 >>> print(n)
 6
 #Get the last element of the list1
 >>> list1[n-1]
 12

 Tuple is a sequence of items separated by commas and

items are enclosed in parenthesis ( ).
 Once created, we cannot change items in the tuple.
Similar to List, items may be of different data types.
 #create a tuple tuple1
>>> tuple1 = (10, 20, "Apple", 3.4, 'a')
 #print the elements of the tuple tuple1
>>> print(tuple1)
(10, 20, "Apple", 3.4, 'a')

 Mapping is an unordered data type in Python.

 Example:Dictionary
 Dictionary in Python holds data items in key-value pairs and
Items are enclosed in curly brackets { }.
 Dictionaries permit faster access to data.
 Every key is separated from its value using a colon (:) sign.
 The key value pairs of a dictionary can be accessed using the key.
 Keys are usually of string type and their values can be of any
data type.
 In order to access any value in the dictionary, we have to specify
its key in square brackets [ ].

 create a dictionary
 >>> dict1 = {'Fruit':'Apple', 'Climate':'Cold', 'Price(kg)':120}
 >>> print(dict1)
 {'Fruit': 'Apple', 'Climate': 'Cold', 'Price(kg)': 120}
 #getting value by specifying a key
 >>> print(dict1['Price(kg)'])
 120

 What are data types? What are python built-in datatypes Which data type of python handles
 Why Boolean considered a subtype of integer? Identify the data types of the values:
 5, 5j, 10.6, “100‟, “100”, 2+4j, [10,20,30], (“a”,”b”,”c”),
 What is the difference in output of the following ?
 print(len(str(19//4)))
 print(len(str(19/4))

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