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Employ a variety of strategies for effective
interpersonal communication (interview,
dialog, conversation)
Read the questions and assess yourself.
Then, number your notebook 1-5 and
answer each question with YES or NO.
1. Do you use appropriate body
language to show you are listening?
(eye contact,
nod head, etc.)
2. Do you listen to the speaker without
3. Do you repeat what the speaker said or ask
questions to make sure you have
understood correctly?
4. Do you avoid being distracted by noises,
mobile phones, or by what other people
are doing?
5. Do you avoid being distracted by
the mannerisms, speaking style,
clothing of the person speaking?
If you answered YES to most of the questions,
you could consider yourself a good
communicator. In this lesson, your ability to
listen, speak, discuss, and participate in
meaningful conversations will further be
developed. You will also learn why an
effective communication is important in our
Complete the lesson summary in the
speech bubble by filling in the blanks with
the key words provided inside the box.
In ___________________, you can use
___________________ to keep a
going and solve possible communication
issues. ___________________, as another
form of
communication, may provide additional
Read the following statements and group the
statements into two columns – conversation is or
conversation is not. Copy the table and write
your answers on your paper.
-waiting for my turn to speak
-asking open-ended questions
-interrupting the person who is talking
-judging people based on their
-minding my gestures, eye contact, and
facial expressions
-listening carefully to what others say and
responding to them-asking open-ended
-focusing on the mannerisms, speaking style,
clothing of the person speaking
-being distracted by noises, mobile phones, or
by what other people are doing

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