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● Web development is the process of
creating websites and web
applications. It involves designing,
coding, and maintaining websites to
ensure they are functional, user-
friendly, and visually appealing.
What is HTML?
● (Hypertext Markup Language)
● HTML is the standard markup
language used to structure the content
of web pages. It uses tags to define
different elements on a webpage.
**HTML Elements**:
● HTML elements are used to define
different parts of a webpage. Some
common elements include
headings, paragraphs , links ,
images , and lists.
**HTML Attributes**:
● HTML elements can have
attributes that provide additional
information about the element.
Attributes are specified within the
opening tag of an element.
**Semantic HTML**:
● Semantic HTML refers to using HTML
elements that convey meaning and structure
to both humans and search engines. For
example, using `` for the header section of a
webpage, `` for the navigation menu, and ``
for the footer section.
What is CSS?
● (Cascading Style Sheets)
● CSS is a stylesheet language used to
describe the presentation of a document
written in HTML. It allows you to control
the appearance and layout of web pages.
Here are some important CSS concepts:
**CSS Selectors**
● CSS selectors are used to target specific
HTML elements and apply styles to them.
Selectors can be based on element names,
class names, IDs, attributes, and more. For
example, the selector `h1` targets all ``
elements, while `.class` targets elements
with a specific class.
**CSS Properties**
● CSS properties define the visual styles of
HTML elements. Some common properties
include `color` (for text color), `font-size`
(for text size), `background-color` (for
background color), and `margin` (for
spacing around an element).
**CSS Layouts **
● CSS provides different layout
techniques to position and arrange
elements on a webpage. Some common
layout techniques include using floats,
flexbox, and grid.

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