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Personality and Attitude

Unit 2

 Personality is derived from Latin word ‘per sonar’ which means speak through.
 It involves both physical and mental characteristics that reflects how a person looks, feels, decides, acts and
interacts with others while dealing with a subject matter.
 It is an organized behaviour which involves internal and external traits of an individual; thus, personality of a
manager totally affects all the organizational activities

 “Personality means how people affect others and how they understand and view themselves, as well as their
pattern of inner and outer measurable traits and the person-situation interaction”

- Fred Luthans
Personality Traits
Factors Determining Personality

link to description
Matching Personality with Jobs

 Attitude is a judgemental statement concerning objects, people or events which may be either favourable
(positive), or unfavourable (negative).
 These are gained from parents, colleagues, seniors, teachers, professionals and reference group members and
are unstable as they keep changing with time.

 “Attitude is learned predispositions to respond to an object or class of object in a consistently favourable or

unfavourable way” -Allport
Components of Attitude

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