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Interpersonal skills

Story of Charles Schwab

• Question

1. What do you think is the reason for million dollar salary?

What are the principles of successful social life?

1. Developing Friendly Personality

2. Interpersonal skills
3. Effective communication skills
4. Empathy
5. Be fruitful
How to Develop Friendly Personality

1. Think Win / Win

2. Don’t be a fault finder
3. Smile and Develop a Sense of Humor
4. Treat others the way you would like to be treated.
5. Be a Good Listener
6. Be Enthusiastic about the relation
7. Exercise compromising
8. Never call a friend by their full name
9. Make them feel important and needed when they are around you
10. Do fun things together, not bad things
Peer pressure

• Peer pressure is invisible and has a strong influence on individual

• It is a double-edged sword, which may be able to influence you both
positively and negatively (95)

• This pressure may be expressed openly ("Oh, come on — it's just one
beer, and everyone else is having one") or more indirectly — simply
making beer available at a party, for instance(96).
How to reduce negative peer pressure

• Understanding your values and beliefs

• Choose your friends wisely- It's great to have friends with values similar to
yours who will back you up when you don't want to do something.
• Have Self-confidence
Don’t make excuses – You have the right to say NO
• Evaluate friendships and find new friends
• Be your own best friend
Steps to communicate in dealing with peer
1. Look at the person.
2. Take a breath first

3. Think it through _ Find the words

4. Use a calm, assertive voice tone _ Ask what we could do instead

5. Say clearly that you do not want to engage in inappropriate behaviors

Avoid situations where bad choices are more common. Be confident in saying ‘No’

6. walk away if feeling uncomfortable

7. Talk to a trusted adult- If you continue to face peer pressure and find it difficult to handle

Talk to a parent, teacher, or school counselor

Interpersonal skills

"The most important single ingredient in the formula of success is

knowing how to get along with people."
Theodore Roosevelt

Interpersonal Skills (IPS) are the life skills we use daily to communicate
and interact with others individually and in groups (36).
Components of Interpersonal Skills and their Core
Characteristics (35, 36)

1. Verbal Communication and Non-Verbal Communication

2. Listening Skills
3. Negotiation: Working with others to find a mutually agreeable outcome. Cooperative Attitude –
the willingness to offer and accept input
4. Assertiveness: Communicating our values, ideas, beliefs, opinions, needs and wants freely.
5. Problem Solving and Decision Making

6. Social Influence: an ability to persuade others

7. Social Empathy: an awareness and concern for others

Exercise for Interpersonal Skills

• Word to sentence

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