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Can you talk about yourself?
Part 2

2o bimestre – Aula 12
Ensino Fundamental: Anos Finais
Conteúdo Objetivos

● Temático: childhood ● Ler textos curtos sobre
memories; memórias de infância;
● Gramatical: used to. ● Aprender a usar o used to
para falar sobre memórias da
● Interagir, por meio de um
guessing game, com os
colegas para conhecer suas
memórias da infância.
Para começar


1. Observe the images below.

a. What do these images have in common? How do they relate to childhood?
b. Write the name of the character below each image. Use the names from the
Santa Claus • Easter Bunny • Tooth Fairy

a. c.
Para começar

Possible answers. Correção
a. What do these images have in common? As imagens estão relacionadas a
personagens imaginários.
b. How do they relate to childhood? Esses personagens, geralmente, fazem parte
do imaginário infantil.
Santa Claus • Easter Bunny • Tooth Fairy

b. Tooth Fairy
a. Santa Claus
c. Easter Bunny
Na prática

2. In pairs, read the speech bubbles below. They Glossary:

are related to what two people believed when they Used to: costumava
Believe: acreditar
were children. Leave: deixar
Tree: árvore
a. What were these two people's beliefs when Could: poderia
Gifts: presentes
they were children? Tooth: dente
Coin: moeda

When I was a child, I

used to believe in Santa
Claus. I used to leave my
I used to put cookies by tooth under my pillow
the Christmas tree so he so the Tooth Fairy
could eat them after he could leave me a coin.
left my gifts.
Na prática

2. In pairs, read the speech bubbles below. They are Glossary:

related to what two people believed when they were Used to: costumava
Believe: acreditar
children. Leave: deixar
a. What were these two people's beliefs when they were Tree: árvore
Could: poderia
children? One of them believed in Santa Claus, and the Gifts: presentes
Tooth: dente
other believed in the Tooth Fairy. Coin: moeda

When I was a child, I

used to believe in Santa
Claus. I used to leave my
I used to put cookies by tooth under my pillow
the Christmas tree so, he so the Tooth Fairy
could eat after he left my could leave me a coin.
Foco no conteúdo

O used to é uma expressão em inglês
Used to – Affirmative form utilizada para falar de ações regulares no
passado e que não acontecem mais.
When I was a child, I When I was a child, I used to believe in
used to believe in Santa Santa Claus.
Claus. (Quando eu era criança, eu costumava
I used to put cookies by acreditar no Papai Noel.)
the Christmas tree so he
could eat them after he
I used to leave my tooth under my pillow.
left my gifts. (Eu costumava deixar meu dente debaixo
do meu travesseiro.)

Estrutura do used to em sentenças

I used to leave my tooth
under my pillow so the
Tooth Fairy would leave Sujeito + used to + verbo na base form +
me a coin. complemento

I used to put cookies by the Christmas tree.

Na prática

3. Read the texts below to do the activity on Clouds: nuvens
the next slides. Made of: feito de
Cotton: algodão
Hit: bater
[...] Kind: gentil
I used to believe that the clouds were made of
Renato Gonçalves I used to believe that when I hit some objects, like
tables or chairs, they suffered like a living being
and so I had to be kind to them.

[...] Julio
I used to think that everyone’s birthday always
had to be on a Sunday.

Extracted from: I used to believe. Available at: Acesso em: 6 mar. 2024.
Na prática

4. The list of objects below are related to some I used to believe that the clouds were made by
information found in the texts. Match the
images with their equivalent text. a. Renato Gonçalves

I used to believe that when I hit some objects, like
tables or chairs, they suffered like a living being
and so I had to be kind to them.


I used to think that everyone’s birthday always
had to be on a Sunday.

c. Anon

Extracted from: I used to believe. Available at: Acesso em: 6 mar. 2024.
Na prática

4. The list of objects below are related to some I used to believe that the clouds were made by
information found in the texts. Match the
images with their equivalent text. a. Renato Gonçalves

I used to believe that when I hit some objects, like
tables or chairs, they suffered like a living being
and so I had to be kind to them.

c Julio
a b.

b [...]
I used to think that everyone’s birthday always
had to be on a Sunday.

c. Anon

a b
c Extracted from: I used to believe. Available at: Acesso em: 6 mar. 2024.
Na prática


5. Discuss the question below with your classmates and your teacher.

a. What are the stories you read that you think are the funniest?


The funniest: mais

Na prática

5. Match the sentences halves.

a. My sister doesn’t like to cook now, ( ) he used to talk a lot to

but when she was a child, everybody.
b. I sleep well now, but when I was a ( ) she used to help my mother
child... make cakes and pies.
c. My cousin is very shy now, but when ( ) I used to believe there was a
he was a child... monster under my bed.
Na prática

5. Match the sentences halves.

a. My sister doesn’t like to cook now, ( c ) he used to talk a lot to

but when she was a child, everybody.
b. I sleep well now, but when I was a ( a ) she used to help my mother
child... make cakes and pies.
c. My cousin is very shy now, but when ( b ) I used to believe there was a
he was a child... monster under my bed.

Oral Practice

Guessing game: talking about your childhood’s beliefs in a game.

You are going to play Two truths and a lie.

Follow the steps.
Write down three things you used to believe when you were a child.
Remember that one of them should be a lie.
1. True: When I was a child, I used to believe that my doll could talk to me.
2. True: I used to believe that, if I put on cardboard wings, I could fly like a bird,
when I was a kid.
3. False: I used to trust that tree nuts (especially almonds) were made of wood.

Tell your classmates your three experiences.
They need to find out which belief is a lie.
O que aprendemos hoje?

● Lemos textos curtos sobre memórias
de infância;

● Aprendemos a usar o used to para

falar sobre memórias da infância;

● Interagimos, por meio de um

guessing game, com os colegas para
conhecer suas memórias da infância.

Slides 3, 4, 9, 10 e 15 – Imagens compiladas pelo autor usando a
plataforma Canva.

Slides 8, 9 e 10 – Acesso em: 4 mar.


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