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Group No. – 67
MBAA2323320905_Paterl Darshil
22147093_Sahil Panda
22159405_Sahal Yaseen
MBAA2312702502_Shruti Sharma
Task 1:-

• Competitive Rivalry :- Meathub competes with Licious, Tendercuts, FreshToHome, and local
butchers. To stand out, Meathub has to emphasizes quality, hygiene, and fast delivery. With a
growing online meat and seafood retail market, Meathub should utilizes strict quality control,
detailed product information, and timely doorstep delivery. Online data reveals consumer
preferences for freshness and convenience. Meathub aims to build customer loyalty through
efficient delivery and superior standards, gaining a competitive edge in the market.

• Threat of New Entrants:- As Meathub plans to enter the Hyderabad market, an industrial analysis is
crucial. Analysing market dynamics, identifying the competitive landscape, understanding consumer
preferences, and evaluating the distribution network are vital. Meathub must anticipate the
response from local competitors, monitor online platforms, and adapt strategies to cater to the
specific needs and preferences of Hyderabad consumers. As there are about 97% population which
is nonveg in that area, it is highly possible that new rivals arrives in the market, to tap it up, so there
is high chance of new rivals, but they all still find a room for healthy competition, and in which case
USP of the Meathub to provide the hygienic meat might give it an edge over others.

Task – 1
• Bargaining Power of Suppliers:- Meathub's success relies on securing a reliable supply of high-quality meat and
seafood products at competitive prices. Assessing the number of suppliers, their concentration, and the
availability of alternative sourcing options is essential. Additionally, analysing factors such as supplier switching
costs, product differentiation, and the overall supply-demand balance will help determine the suppliers'
bargaining power. Here Meathub promises most hygienic delivery of meat to the doorstep, it becomes crucial for
them to maintain the quality always, and that is possible only if they buy chicken always from the same farm and
if they changes it frequently then changes in quality will be easy to spot and no one will like it. Supplier will be
aware of this fact and may use it to increase the cost which gives them more bargaining power. Meathub must
establish strong relationships with suppliers and explore opportunities for partnerships to maintain a
competitive edge in the Hyderabad market.

• Bargaining Power of Buyers:- as of now there are not many options available for the customer to chose from, it is
unlikely for the customer to demand cuts in the price. Rational behind is that Meathub is always Priortising
premium quality of the meet and most custom of which demand premium quality are generally ready to pay
whatever price is demanded by the seller as far as that quality is not compromised at all. And also as there are
not many competitors in the market which give as good as quality Meathub offers, it is unlikely that the
premium customers is going to switch unless and until the quality is compromised by the Meathub. But the thing
to keep in mind is, if any new competitor arrives in the market, then they will have to set their price accordingly
and still not compromise the quality to stick to their SOP.
• Threat of substitute products:- Generally people eat meat to get healthy and protein rich meal and also due to
the weather around and climate in the surrounding area. There are new substitutes of meat are coming in the
market where people are becoming vegan and turning towards the vegetarian diet. Which intown results in
decreasing demand for meat. There also substitutes like cultured meat, and meat prepared by biotechnology
and 3d bio printing. But as far as Hyderabad is concerned, people present there are eating meat sensor
generations and they are highly unlikely to shift from traditional meat. So this doesn't seem like a big problem
for Meathub.
Task 2:-

• Total Number of Ather Energy EV scooters sold in the Bengaluru

region. - 75000 numbers of EV in 2021 which were expected to
grow atlest 30% every year , so that numbers to be – 126750 in
So, If Ather is able to tap 30 % of market number of scooters
sold would be – 38025 for 12 months, Being 3169 per month.
• Total number of EV scooters present in Inventory for 1 month will
be around 3200.
• Considering the competition the price at 80000 Rupees
• Number of showrooms - 8

Task – 1
Task 3:-

The Metaverse offers a range of benefits, such as:

- Realistic and Engaging Interactions: Users can interact with digital worlds and other users
in a more natural and dynamic way, creating immersive and engaging experiences.
- Opportunities for Connection and Community: Users can connect, work together, and
socialize with people from different locations, enabling new forms of communication and
- Various Use Cases: The Metaverse can be used in different sectors such as gaming,
entertainment, education, healthcare, and retail, creating new business opportunities and
revenue streams.
- Technological Innovations: Technologies such as virtual reality (VR), augmented reality
(AR), blockchain, and artificial intelligence (AI) are enabling the creation of the Metaverse,
improving its features and potential.
The metaverse is a proposed network of immersive online worlds that users can access
through virtual reality or augmented reality devices. It is envisioned as the next evolution of
the internet, where people can socialize, work, learn, and play in a more realistic and
engaging way. However, developing and maintaining such a complex system poses several
challenges, such as:
- Technical Difficulties: The metaverse requires advanced network infrastructure, low latency,
device interoperability, and data security solutions to ensure a seamless and safe user
- Adoption Hurdles: The metaverse may encounter resistance from users who are not familiar
with or comfortable with virtual environments, or who have privacy, security, or ethical
concerns about the integration of the physical and digital worlds.
- High Development Costs: The metaverse demands significant investments in technology,
content creation, and infrastructure to create and sustain a diverse and dynamic ecosystem.

Task – 2

Market Growth and Monetization: The Metaverse industry presents significant growth opportunities, driven
by increasing consumer demand for immersive experiences, digital connectivity, and virtual interactions.
This opens up avenues for monetization through subscription models, virtual goods, advertising, and digital
Industry Disruption: The Metaverse has the potential to disrupt traditional industries such as gaming,
entertainment, and retail, by offering new ways to create, distribute, and consume content, as well as
enabling innovative business models.
Enhanced Remote Work and Collaboration: The Metaverse can facilitate remote work and collaboration by
providing virtual office spaces, meeting rooms, and immersive communication tools, offering an alternative
to traditional workplace setups.

Task – 3a

Potential Issues and Challenges: The Metaverse may encounter potential issues and challenges related
to data protection, intellectual property rights, virtual currency regulations, and user safety, which
could affect its growth and development.
Technological Evolution: The technologies that support the Metaverse are still in the process of
evolution, and there may be challenges in terms of hardware capabilities, user experience, and
content quality that need to be overcome.
Fragmentation and Interoperability: Different platforms and ecosystems within the Metaverse may
face difficulties in achieving interoperability and seamless integration, leading to fragmentation and
potential user dissatisfaction.
It's important to note that the Metaverse is still an emerging concept, and the analysis above is based
on the current understanding and trends in the industry. The landscape is subject to change as
technology and market dynamics continue to evolve.

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