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Electric cars are four-wheeled vehicles that run using
electric motors powered by electricity from batteries
or fuel cells. This vehicle is different from
conventional vehicles that generally use gasoline or
diesel powered engines. Electric cars don't all work
the same way.

Electric cars have several potential advantages

compared to regular internal combustion engine
cars. The most important thing is that electric cars
do not produce motor vehicle emissions. Another
advantage is that electric cars do not cause noise
pollution so they can be beneficial for the
History of Electric
History Cars
The history of electric cars begins in the late 1890s. In
that era, there were many brands that made electric
However, one of the most famous is Camille Jenatzy's
record breaking. He was quite phenomenal because he
broke the speed record using an electric car.he car used
was capable of reaching 105 km/hour on April 29, 1899.
This speed in that era was truly fantastic. The vehicle used
by Camille Jenatzy is in the form of a rocket. As time goes
by, electric cars are increasingly developing and almost
attracting the interest of many people.
One of the electric cars that is quite old is the Baker
Motor Vehicle. Baker Motor Vehicle is an automotive and
component company that operates electric vehicles. The
company was founded in 1899 and ended in 1914. One of
Baker's works was even bought by Thomas Alva Edison,
the inventor of the light bulb.
Electric car
Currently, the batteries most widely used in electric cars are lithium-ion
batteries. This type of battery is a battery that is also widely used in
electronic devices such as smartphones. The weakness of this battery is that
its capacity will decrease every year, batteries in electric cars on average
lose 2.3 percent of their capacity every year.

The electricity used to charge electric car batteries is generated from many
sources; such as coal, hydroelectricity, nuclear or other power. Renewable
energy sources such as solar cells (PLTS), micro hydro, ocean current power,
geothermal or wind power can also be used.
maintenance costs
Most of the maintenance costs for electric cars are the costs of maintaining and replacing the
batteries. Electric car batteries are very expensive but the maintenance costs are very small,
especially with Lithium batteries which are currently widely used. To calculate the cost per
kilometer of an electric car, it is important to determine the battery life value. To determine this
value is difficult due to the fact that the battery capacity will decrease little by little every time it
is recharged. The life of the battery is said to be exhausted if the car owner feels that the
battery is no longer reliable. Even though they have "used up", these used batteries still have
useful value because they can still be used for other purposes or perhaps recycled again.
Halaman 8

Development of Electric
Cars in Indonesia
Indonesia is not left behind in taking part in producing electric cars. Even though it is still a
prototype, the electric car made by the nation's children is quite promising. Currently there are 2
known models, namely the Ahmadi and Tucuxi electric cars. On May 20 2013, electric buses were
tested for APEC 2013 October. Until now, these electric buses serve public transportation in Yogya.

On May 6 2014, ITS set a domestic electric car record with details of a total distance of 800 km,
an average speed of 120-130 km/hour and a 3-hour recharge every 8 hours. The route taken is
Jakarta– Bandung–Tasikmalaya–Purwokerto–Jogjakarta–Madiun–Surabaya

As of November 2022, only BMW, DFSK, Hyundai, Kia, Lexus, MG Motor, Nissan, Porsche, Renault,
Tesla, Toyota and Wuling sell electric cars in Indonesia.
examples of electric cars in

Mobil Listrik Wuling EV

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