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SAGAR (12007833)

Project title

8bit synchronous counter

◦ The counter is a sequential circuit (include memory elements) that goes through a prescribed sequence of states upon the
application of input pulses. The input pulses, called counter pulses, may be clock pulses or they may originate from an
external source and may occur at prescribed intervals of time or at random. The sequence of states in a counter may follow a
binary count or any other sequence. Counters can be implemented using a number of flipflops that are connected to give
required function. Each flip-flop is used to represent one bit. The number of flip-flop in the counter depends on the type of the
counter. Counter that has n flip-flop can be designed to have number of states in their sequence that is less than 2n . An n–bits
binary counter consists of n flip – flops can count in binary from 0 to 2n –1. The number of states that used in the counter is
called modulus (mod). A counter is a fundamental digital circuit that is widely used in electronics and computer systems for
counting events, tracking time, and performing other counting-related functions. It is a sequential logic circuit that generates a
sequence of discrete states or values based on input clock signals. Counters are an essential building block in digital systems
and find applications in a wide range of fields, including communication systems, embedded systems, automation,
measurement and control, and more. The basic operation of a counter involves changing its state in response to clock pulses.
Each clock pulse causes the counter to advance to the next state or value in the sequence, and the output of the counter
represents the current count. Counters can be designed to count in different radix systems, such as binary (base-2), decimal
(base-10), or other bases, depending on the specific requirements of the application
Types of counter
◦ Synchronous counter: when counter is clocked such that each flip flop in the counter is triggered at the same time the counter
is called synchronous counter. Like we have synchronous up counter,synchronous down counter.

◦ Asynchronous counter: Asynchronous counter consist of series connection of completing flip flop with the output of each
flipflop connected to the clock input of the next higher order flip flop
Difference between synchronous counter
Synchronous counter Asynchronous counter

◦ All the flip-flops are triggered simultaneously with the ◦ Different Flip-flops are triggered with different clocks.
same clock. ◦ Operation is slower
◦ Operation is faster
◦ Decoding error occurs due to 'tpd’.
◦ No decoding error occurs
◦ E.g. Ripple UP counter, Ripple DOWN counter.
◦ E.g. Ring Counter, Johnson Counter
Implementation of 8 bit synchronous counter


◦ module synchronoustb();
◦ module syncronous(clk,reset,out);
◦ reg clk, reset;
◦ input clk,reset; ◦ wire [7:0] out;
◦ output reg[7:0] out; ◦ syncronous s1(clk,reset,out);

◦ always @(posedge clk) begin ◦ initial begin

◦ clk=0;
◦ if (reset) begin
◦ forever #5 clk=~clk;
◦ out <= 0; ◦ end
◦ end else begin ◦ initial begin

◦ ◦ reset=1;
out <= out +1;
◦ #20;
◦ end
◦ reset=0;
◦ end ◦ end
◦ endmodule ◦ endmodule
Wave form
◦ Synchronous counter can be made from Toggle or D-flip flop.
◦ Synchronous counter is easy to design that asynchronous counter.
◦ The count sequence is controlled using logic gate.
◦ The inherent memory circuit keeps track of the counter present state.
◦ Overall faster operation may be achieved compared to asynchronous counter.
◦ Synchronous counter are wisely use in digital system where precise and coordinated counting is required such as digital clocks

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