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What are neural


A neural network is a type of machine learning

algorithm designed to mimic the human brain. It learns
from examples and can make decisions. All of this
allows a computer to learn and adapt on its own,
mimicking the human learning process.

Just like the human brain, neural networks consist of

neurons. These neurons are arranged in layers, with each
layer contributing to the process in a specific way. For
example, one layer might identify patterns, another layer
could analyze information, and the final layer makes a
decision based on the data.

As the computer sees more examples, it learns to

recognize the patterns faster, learn from them and get
better over time.
 Learning from examples: Just like the human brain, by
How neural presenting it with loads of examples (e.g showing pictures of
networks mimic cats and dogs), the brain will start learning and understanding
the differences between them, improving it and making it be
the human brain faster over time.

 Making decisions: Also, just like the human brain, when

faced with something new, it thinks about what it already
knows from examples and tries to figure out what's in front of

 Learning from mistakes: Similar to humans, machines learn

from the errors to avoid repeating them. This process is called
Image and speech recognition: Identifying objects,
faces, and processing speech.

Autonomous vehicles: Self-driving cars.

solved with Fraud detection: Analyzing transactions to identify
and prevent fraud.
networks Weather prediction: Improving accuracy in weather

Robotics: Enhancing robots learning and adaptation

Fraud Detection: AI-powered systems actively
monitor financial transactions and detect patterns
and anomalies to identify potential fraud cases.

Healthcare Diagnosis: AI algorithms have been

developed to analyze medical data, such as images
Problems solved and patient records, to assist in diagnosing diseases.

with AI Climate Change Predictions: AI and machine

learning models are being used to analyze climate
data and make predictions about future climate

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