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The Research

As a Systematic process solving a problem or adding
to the existing body of knowledge, research is not
haphazardly done. It follows a standard procedure in a
logical sequence of steps, which are discussed and
explained below.
Step 1: Idea-Generating Phase.

Research begins with an idea in which the researcher

has interest. It is in this phase wherein the researcher has to
identify topics that interests him the most. It is in this step
where he has to justify why a study on a particular topic is
needed. Once a topic of interest is already identified, the
researcher has to start reading articles and books, talk with
people who are knowledgeable in the area and begin
thinking about it.
Step 2: Problem-Definition Phase.

As the ideas generated in the first phase are very

general or vague, the researcher has to refine them. This is
the problem definition phase. This step involves the
following activities: identification and definition of the
variables to be studied; development of the theoretical and
conceptual frameworks of the study, the formulation of the
major and specific problems to be investigated; and the
formulation of hypothesis.
Step 3: Procedures-Design Phase
After identifying the problems and hypothesis, the
researcher has to decide on the methods and procedures
he will use in the collection and analysis of data. This is
the procedures-design phase.The activities a researcher
has to undertake in this phase include the following:
selection of research participants; decision on what
research methodology to employ; development and
validation of
data-gathering tools; specification of the procedures to be
observed in the actual collection of data;
and planning and analysis of the data gathered.
Step 4: Data-Collection Phase.

After preparing the research plan, the researcher has to

proceed collecting the data from the subjects of the study. It is in
this phase where the procedures, designed in the previous step,
are implemented by the researcher rigorously.

Step 5: Data Analysis Phase.

In this particular phase, the researcher analyses the

collected data from the previous step based on his data-analysis
plan. Appropriate qualitative and quantitative techniques and
procedures are then applied to the data that have been recorded,
coded, and tabulated.
Step 6: Interpretation Phase.
Having analysed the data, the researcher continues to make
sense out of the data by interpreting the
results in terms of how they aid in responding to the research
problem posed at the beginning of the
study and how this answer contributes to knowledge in the field.
After generating answers to the
problem, the researcher has to compare the results predicted
based on the theoretical framework of
the study.
Step 7: Idea-Generating Phase.
After completing the data analysis and interpretation phases, the
researcher has to prepare a written or oral report of the study
conducted, either for publication or presentation to colleagues or
panel of experts. This report has to include a description of all
the above steps in the research process.

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