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Container gardening or pot gardening/farming is the practice of growing plants, including edible plants,
exclusively in containers instead of planting them in the ground.[1] A container in gardening is a small,
enclosed and usually portable object used for displaying live flowers or plants. It may take the form of a
pot, box, tub, basket, tin, barrel or hanging basket. (Masabni & Cotner, 2009)xxxx

Hydroponics gardening is a type of agriculture system that uses water, air and sunlight to
produce without the use of soil. Instead, plants are grown in containers filled with liquid
nutrients and a medium such as cocopeat, sand or gravel. As a result, the farm takes up less
space than traditional farming methods and can be operated by solar power. Hydroponics
farming has been growing in popularity in the Philippines due to its environment concerns and
potential for food security.

Mushroom garden in the Philippines is a growing industry that is gaining popularity among both
experienced and novice farmers. As the demand for fresh, locally grown produce continues to increase, many
farmers are turning to mushroom farming as an additional source of income. This blog post is a beginner’s
guide to mushroom farming in the Philippines and provides an overview of the process, from selecting the
right type of mushroom to cultivating and harvesting. With the right knowledge and resources, mushroom
farming in the Philippines can be a profitable and sustainable endeavor.

Small scale backyard poultry farming forms the backbone of the Philippines poultry industry. Every Filipino
family grows three, five, ten or twenty chicken in their backyard. Livestock raising includes chicken, duck,
dove/pigeon, and rabbit raising. Duck raising and chicken raising is one of the common livestock being raised in
our backyard. It is also the earliest breeds to raise and taken care of. Ducks and chicken provide meat and egg
which helps supplement the family’s protein needs but some can also be sold to provide additional income for
the family. The small-scale poultry producers account for the biggest share of chickens produced in the country
every year.

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