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Take a stand on

critical issues brought

up in the material
Presented by: Ma'am Kim

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React critically Analyze critical Appreciate the

to assertions made issues from the importance of the
by a speaker or material read. lesson through
writer; participation.
Why it is important to express
an opinion regarding a critical
Taking a stand means expressing one's
opinion, asserting one's point of view,
or defending one's beliefs. There are
certain things to consider when voicing
an opinion.
A well-articulated opinion,
without a doubt, enables a person to
advance and persuade others of his
point of view.
by Sherwin Fleming

Convey your concise opinion. Make sure to state

your position first.

Example: "I firmly believe that recycling

should be mandatory in our community."
Link to your listener’s concerns. Think of
reasons as to why your opinion matters.

Example: "By implementing mandatory recycling,

we can significantly reduce waste and preserve our
environment for future generations."
Enact your experiences. Cite situations you have
experienced connected to your opinion to make
your point more relatable.
Example: "Last year, I witnessed the devastating effects of
uncontrolled waste disposal when our local river became severely
polluted. It motivated me to take action and advocate for
responsible recycling practices."
Assert your authority. Gain your listeners’ trust by
being sensible in explaining your point.

Example: "As an environmental science major, I have

extensively studied the damaging effects of improper waste
management, and I am well-versed in effective recycling
strategies recommended by experts in the field."
Repeat your concise opinion. This concludes all
your ideas.

Example: "In summary, mandatory recycling is crucial

for creating a sustainable environment and ensuring a
healthier future for ourselves and generations to come."
Sample answer:
In my opinion, such sites can inflict damaging effects on local communities. Firstly, the
people within local communities are no longer forming close or supportive relationships.
For instance, people are contented mostly by what they see while browsing through life
updates of people posted on social media. This results to people not initializing sincere
conversations anymore. Secondly, society as a whole is becoming increasingly disjointed
and fragmented as people spend more time online with people they have never met in
person and are unlikely to ever meet in the future. To sum up, social media platforms do
have a negative impact on societies and local communities. People should do more to try
and involve themselves in local activities in order to promote the future of community life.
You have to choose 1 issue and state whether you agree or disagree to it. Try to make
your stand regarding these by writing it on a one whole sheet of paper in. Make sure to use signal
words in stating your stand.


Well Done!

Thank you for participating.

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