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Offering Help / Services

By group 1
Name of group members

Wulan indah Nurfaisah Wiwik

Adiaksa Ahmad Real Aditya Ahmad

Saifullah Firman Dewa
Map of concept
Function social (Fungsi
What is the social funcion of (Structure teks)
offering help or service? Formal : it is used in formal situasion
To offer assistance for (offer older person someone who is
someone who is doing position is higher than you)
something politely to offer Could give you a hand ?
help to other people who are What shall I do for you ?
in need. Informal : used in informal situasion
(to person younger than you or close
friend to you)
Linguistic elements Can help you ?
(Unsur kebahasaan) May help you ?
Linguistic elements according to
the british council, when
offering assistance or services ,
the phrases commonly used are
modal verbs such as can, could,
and would.
Dialog 1

Seller : Good morning, do you need help?

( Penjual : Selamat pagi, apakah kamu butuh bantuan? )

Buyer : Yes, I need to buy a bread for breakfast. Can you give me a recommend?
(Pembeli : Ya, saya harus membeli roti untuk sarapan. Bisakah kamu memberi rekomendasi? )

Seller : Sure! Cheese bread with blueberry sauce is popular here. do you want to try?
(Penjual : Tentu! Roti keju dengan saus blueberry populer di sini. Apakah kamu ingin mencobanya? )

Buyer : Okay, I will buy it

( Pembeli : Oke, saya akan membelinya )

Seller: Do you need a paper bag?

(Penjual: Apakah kamu membutuhkan tas kemasan? )

Buyer: No, thank you

(Pembeli: Tidak, terima kasih )
dialog 2

Fara: Wow, this soup is so spicy.

( wow , sup ini pedas sekali )

Kay: Should I bring a glass of water for you?

( maukah aku membawa segelas air untuk kamu ? )

Fara: No, thank you. I still have something to drink.

( tidak , terima kasih . Aku masi ada sesuatu air untuk di minum )

Kay: Alright, then

(baiklah klau bgitu )
dialog 3

Mama: Morning, Sara. Do you want some banana milk?

(Pagi, Sara. Apa kamu mau susu pisang?)

Sara: Morning, Mama. Yes, I want it. But can I make it by myself?
(Pagi, Mama. Iya, aku mau. Tapi bisakah aku membuatnya sendiri?)

Mama: Of course. The milk is in the fridge.

(Tentu saja. Susunya ada di dalam kulkas.)

Sara: Thank you. (Terima kasih)

Mama: Do you need help to open the milk box?

(Apa kamu butuh bantuan untuk membuka kotak susu?)

Sara: No, Mama. I got it.

(Tidak, Mama. Aku bisa)
Islamic intregration

‫ ۙ َقاَل َم ا َم َّك ِّنْي ِفْيِه َر ِّبْي َخ ْيٌر َفَاِع ْيُنْو ِنْي ِبُقَّوٍة َاْج َع ْل َبْيَنُك ْم َو َبْيَنُهْم َر ْد ًم ا‬-

"Dia (Zulkarnain) berkata, “Apa yang telah dianugerahkan

Tuhan kepadaku lebih baik (daripada imbalanmu), maka
bantulah aku dengan kekuatan, agar aku dapat membuatkan
dinding penghalang antara kamu dan mereka,"
(Q.S Al-Kahfi: 95)

“ he zulkarnain said what God has given me is better (than

reward) so help me with strength so that I can build a barrier
between you and them “
(Q.S Al-Kahfi: 95)

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