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Job Conditions Full appreciation for work done Feeling in on things Sympathetic understanding of personal problems Job security Good wages Interesting work Promotion and growth with company Management loyalty to workers Good working conditions Diciplin

Workers Rating 1st : because the workers want to feel that they work usefull. 2nd : because the workers want to appreciated for every activity. 3rd : because the workers must be understand their problems each other. 4th : because the workers want to safe when they work. 5th : because the workers want to have most appropriate wages for workers. 6th : because the workers want to interesting work in order to not bored. 7th : because the workers want to show quality of their work. 8th :because the workers want to get a good feedback. 9th : because the workers want to feel comfortable when they work. 10th : because the workers want work consecutively.

Managers Rating 8th : because the managers want to feel admited by their boss. 10th : because the managers want to feel admitted by their subordinate. 9th : if my workers comprehensibility me, so I will understand they. 2nd : they need job security because they have high safety awareness. 1st : because they have big responsibility in their work. 5th : because the managers want to work in situation. 3rd : because the managers want to prove at other company. 6th : because the managers want to motivate her (managers) self and workers. 4th : because the managers want to heve a good produce result. 7th : because the managers want to make their workers work dutifully to her (managers).

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