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Insane People of This Planet Are Bringing About The Destruction Of Earth By Aliens http://danieltowsey.wordpress.


Written by Daniel J Towsey.

This is your second warning.

So you really think that humans are intelligent !ow intelligent is it to destroy the perfection of the natural world "he insane corporate banksters are destroying our once naturally healthy planet.
Insane Original song written by !reg "pencer# #$wi-#w%&'(pg )ou think their are no other conscious beings of energy in the uni#erse !ere on my *hemtrails site you can see the e#idence of more then twenty years of *hemtrailing and the two mile thick wrapping of that material around our planet. http://*hemtrails( &e now ha#e an artificial atmosphere. (f you go to my other site http://"he, )ou will see photographic e#idence of acti#ities happening to our planet now.. )ou will also see that were are not alone in this uni#erse. "hings are no longer natural on planet %arth. ,othing is natural as it once was. "he criminally insane corporate minds are out of control and the community of the uni#erse has made a decision. "he mental illness of corporatism can no longer be permitted to continue to spread its insanity illness. -liens ha#e made the decision that unless humans show a positi#e attitude ,+&. and change its negati#e destructi#e ways. -liens will completely end planet earth. Some humans are -lien to the meaning of 'od. Some humans think that their is only one 'od. /ut many do not know the spirit of the uni#erse. "he infinite uni#erse is of conscious positi#e energy spirits of light. truth and lo#e.
Infinity #$0pSw%12,b"c 'od is the term that describes the whole of those spirits. +nly pure healthy spirits are permitted to ascend to the infinite. "hose who do not know or respect the only law of nature will not ascend. +nly perfection continues in nature. (f you ha#e not perfected your spirit to reach for the positi#e light of truth. then your spirit will 4ust end and cease to e5ist.

( sent a pre#ious message and you did not listen or chose to not want to know truth. "he spirit of the uni#erse is -lien to most diseased humans. (f you do not ha#e a healthy beautiful natural spirit then you ha#e failed. )ou are all conscience beings named humans. )ou ha#e a conscience mind. )ou are conscious of reality. So are you conscious of what humans ha#e done to destroy planet %arth -re you one of the humans that has contributed to the destruction of planet %arth "hose who seek and speak no truth ha#e only achie#ed the illness of insanity.
TOP "E$%ET E&tra Terrestrial 'essage #$6'7t89i:;<w "he horrors of what the insane are doing is limitless. 9or the insane ha#e no self control. "hey are completely out of control and are unleashing their corporate mental disease all o#er this planet. "he -liens >'ods. Spirits? can not permit this diseased planet to continue.. "he -liens see the chemtrails poison.. )es our planet is now completely sealed in. The li(es of 'onsanto are the reason why the end is near. )ere are *ust a few of the things hu+ans are doing to planet earth. 2ead how 9ukushima and the insanity of nuclear waste and energy are now going to kill this planet. Sharing truth is the what has a chance to sa#e planet %arth. "ruth is @o#e. @o#e is "ruth. +ne can not e5ist without the other. (t is time for humanity to lo#e truth. (t is time for humanity to show lo#e for our home planet. %arth. "he 'ods ha#e not yet ended planet earth. "he 'ods will only help those who help themsel#es. (f humanity does not now try to help planet %arth. then you are all doomed. (f humanity is not guided into the future by truth. then humanity is doomed. "hat means that all humans ha#e to help to do the right thing and seek the power of truth. &hen the seeds of truth are sown.

"he grass roots truth re#olution will blossom from the enlightenment. (t is time for humanity to sow the healthy seeds of truth. So a healthy tree of life can grow. "hose healthy trees will pro#ide healthy food for thought. &ithout healthy trees all of this planet dies. "he *hemtrails material being sprayed by the insane are killing all the trees. Soon all that will remain is a hot surface with no shade from the trees. +nly carbon in the air for the trees that consumed the carbon and released o5ygen are dying from the chemtrailing. So are you thinking that what ( ha#e written sounds insane. &ill it is. 2emember truthers always sound insane when they are telling you what the insane are doing. "his is your second warning. "here may not be a third e5traterrestrial message. (f their were. &ould %arthlings still be ali#e to hear it (t is now up to humanity to decide if they are going to start doing what is rightA

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