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Cozy Newsletter
Cozy Newsletter 24/7 Emergency Service: (847) 397-5888
2-1 Blackhawks @ Sharks 9:30 PM
2-2 Ground Hog Day
2-3 Te Day the Music Died - Buddy
Holly, Richie Valens and the Big
Bopper died in a plane crash in
Blackhawks @ Kings 9:30 PM
2-4 Tank a Mailman Day
Bulls @ Phoenix 8:00 PM
2-5 Blackhawks @ Ducks 9:00 PM
2-6 Olympics through 23rd
Bulls @ Golden State 9:30 PM
2-7 Send a Card to a Friend Day
Blackhawks @ Coyotes 8:00 PM
2-9 Bulls @ L.A. Lakers 2:30 PM
2-11 Bulls vs Atlanta 7:00 PM
2-10 Clean out Your Computer Day
2-12 Abraham Lincolns Birthday
2-13 Bulls vs Brooklyn 7:00 PM
2-14 National Organ Donor Day
Valentines Day
2-17 Random Acts of Kindness Day
Presidents Day - third Monday
of month
2-19 Bulls @ Toronto 6:00 PM
2-20 Love Your Pet Day
George Washingtons Birthday
2-21 Bulls vs Denver 7:00 PM
2-22 Be Humble Day
Walking the Dog Day
World Tinking Day
2-23 Bulls @ Miami 2:30 PM
2-25 Bulls @ Atlanta 6:30 PM
2-26 National Pistachio Day
Bulls vs Golden State 7:00 PM
2-27 No Brainer Day
Blackhawks @ Rangers 6:00 PM
2-28 Public Sleeping Day
Bulls @ Dallas 7:30 PM
2-29 Leap Day - not until 2016, once
every four years
Monthly Notes:
Monthly Awareness: Olympic Coverage:
February 2014
American Heart Month
Black History Month
Canned Food Month
Creative Romance Month
Great American Pie Month
Feb 6th - 23rd
For schedules, extras,
and to watch live:
National Cherry Month
National Childrens Dental
Health Month
National Grapefruit Month
National Weddings Month
Well, I hope that by the time this ac-
tually reaches you we are headed back
towards normal winter temperatures
for the Chicagoland area. Whatever
that means...
I do hope that you were able to sur-
vive OK, no frozen or burst pipes,
no equipment failures, and no power
outages. Tis weather can really wreak
havoc on our homes and businesses. If
you have had these issue, I hope it has
all turned out OK.
As we thaw out is important to be
careful, and be prepared for what
potential hazards still exist. As the
sun and outdoor temperatures warm
up, be sure to avoid or clear as many
icicles as possible. Te warmer sun and
day temperatures lead to dripping and
breakage. Te dripping can create ice
patches, and the falling icicles can be
potentially dangerous.
Also, if you home does have an exces-
sive amount of icicles it is important
to address any larger potential prob-
lems. Icicles typically form on homes
due to clogged gutters or by warm air
escaping the house and melting the
snow on the roof. Gutter cleaning is a
no big deal issue come next fall. If you
do suspect your roofng insulation has
not been addresses or updated in many
years it is important to have this ad-
dressed by professionals. In some cases
it can be benefcial to install gutter
heaters that plug right into an outlet.
Proper insulation and air sealing will
prevent icicles and roof dams. Which
can be much worse for your home.
Next, thing to keep in mind, the melt-
ing snow and ice needs somewhere
to go. Be sure gutter spouts and street
grates are free of debris. Water is lazy
and will travel down. Te more you
can keep water moving away from
your house the better of you are. Now
would also be a great time to check
your sump pits as well. Just like gutters
the key is removing and moving water
away for you home. Insure that your
sump pit drains are not totally frozen,
or have no where to go.
If you havent had any issues and
are ready for the snow to melt, than
you should be in the clear. If you did
have any frozen pipes it is important
to know how to prevent them in the
future. Sure leaving a cold water faucet
open will help, but why waste the
water? Now is the time to understand
what is causing these problems. If the
piping is interior to the house it should
be accessed and properly insulated
around. You can do this very easily
thanks to the vast amount of insulation
options you have at the local hardware
stores. In some cases these insulation
upgrades will earn you utility credits.
Just check with your local provider for
If we can help you know where to fnd
Te Deep, THAW?
t thing to keep in mind the m
24/7 Emergency Service: (847) 397-5888 2
How to solve:
To solve a Sudoku, you only need logic
and patience. No math is required. Simply
make sure that each 3x3 square region
has a number between 1-9 with only one
occurrence of each number. Each column
and row of the large grid may only have
one instance of 1-9.
This round of contest coupons are already
fying out the door! Everyone who sends us
their raving fan testimonial or refers us to
friends and family are already being entered
into the next drawing. To enter, simply refer
us to a friend/relative/neighbor. Be sure that
anyone you pass along to us communicates
that YOU were involved in the referral. For
further assurance of your entry, send us
a note with the name of the referred. You
can also enter the drawing by submitting a
testimonial of how happy you are with our
work. Either way, it takes only a few minutes
to enter. You can just drop us a line at: info@ One ticket is given for
each testimonial or referral; ten tickets for every
raving fan video. You determine your odds of
winning, as there is no limit to entry tickets -
plus - every referral nets YOU a gift as well!
4 3
4 3



While Olympic competitors are the
pinnacle of athletic perfection, there
are several secrets of Olympic train-
ing that can boost any ftness program,
no matter the level. American Coun-
cil on Exercise spokesperson Todd
Durkin ofers up 10 tips for training
like an
Olympic athlete:
Diet and Hydration: For Olympic-lev-
el performance and of-the-chart en-
ergy, you must eat properly including
eating a breakfast of complex carbohy-
drates and lean protein, then eat again
every 3-4 hours and within 90 minutes
of working out. Consume half your
bodyweight in fuid ounces of pure
water and if exercising intensely or for
long duration, consume a sports-drink
such as Gatorade.
Sleep is absolutely essential: High-lev-
el athletes that are training hard need
8-10 hours sleep. Focus on quality of
sleep by going to bed before 11 p.m.
for optimal hormonal release dont
use a computer or watch TV within
30 minutes of sleeping to avoid afects
of electromagnetic waves and make
your sleeping environment as dark as
Proper warm-up and recovery: Af-
ter 10 minutes of a light jog or jump
rope session, spend 10-15 minutes on
dynamic warm-ups such as skipping or
reverse lunges to (improve fexibility,
coordination, rhythm and naturally
prevent injuries from occurring). Afer
your workout, incorporate recovery
techniques like foam rolling, massage
and stretching/fexibility exercises to
ensure the body remains limber and
reduce pain or soreness.
Mental Preparation: Olympic athletes
spend a great deal of time psycholog-
ically preparing for the big day. Some
ways to do this include: rehearse, read
inspirational books and quotes, re-
hearse mantras and most importantly
they have a plan that contributes to
their success. No matter what the ft-
ness goal is, these techniques can help
get you there.
Hire a coach: Great athletes have
coaches. People that want signifcant
changes need help with game-plan-
ning, motivation, or accountability and
a certifed professional can dramatical-
ly help increase results.
Use an assortment of dynamic exercis-
es: Instead of only using fxed-pieces
of equipment, try medicine balls or
Swiss Balls and integrate diagonal and
rotational actions as well as unilateral
exercises. Run. Jump. Trow.
Lif heavy: In order to be great, you
must challenge yourself to attain
maximum strength gains. Attempt
2-3 sets of a big lif of 4-6 reps once
a week. In addition to getting strong,
lifing heavy will maximize hormonal
Pull Up Power: Pull Ups work your
large back muscles to help with run-
ning speed, improved posture and
increased metabolism because the back
is made up of large muscles. Tere are
several methods to improve or build
up to a correct Pull Up including using
a Super Band, having a partner assist
you and using a rowing machine.
Train early in the day: Olympic ath-
letes do it. So can you. You are much
less likely to get distractions early in
the morning that will prevent you from
your workout and you will feel great all
Train with a partner or in a group:
Olympic athletes are known to train
together for years before they turn to
competing against each other on the
big day. Accountability is a big part
of success and when you train with
a friend, spouse, or even in a small-
group ftness class, your adherence
to exercise goes up. Not to mention it
helps pick up the intensity on those
days where you feel you have less than
your best.
10 Olympic Training Secrets
24/7 Emergency Service: (847) 397-5888 3
Cooking Corner:
A Dogs World
Well, this is not exactly easy for me to type,
thanks to all the snow and ice building up on
my paws. No, my parents are not locking me
outside, but the weather is really starting to
stick with me. Between all the polar vor-
texes and mounds of snow, I think spring is
still a long ways away. I heard my buddy, Mr.
Punksatony Phil, saw his shadow. Six more
weeks of winter. Look outside I do not think
anyone would have doubted that prediction.
Phil could have just stayed in his nice warm
house. Also, I have always wondered how that
one lucky human can understand what he is
saying. I had no clue what the groundhog I
met was trying to tell me. Funny dialect those
groundhogs use...
Well, stay safe and warm out there everyone,
maybe next time we chat it will be spring-ish.
Maybe... - FRANKLIN
Illustration by:
Do you love french fries? Me too! I mean,
who doesnt...french fries are one of those
amazingly delicious foods that satisfy all
kinds of cravings.
Unfortunately, if youre reaching for the
typical french fries deep fried in vegetable
shortening, your health and waistline are
going to pay a VERY costly price to satisfy
that craving. In fact, a modest 200 gram
serving (equivalent to 1 potato) contains:
638 calories
76g of high glycemic carbs
34g of fat
And without a doubt the worst stat of all:
16g of trans fat! Yikes!
Fortunately, you can still satisfy that french
fry craving with this healthy and delicious
Baked Sweet Potato Fries
*3 large sweet potatoes
*1 tbsp of olive oil
*1/2 tsp of sea salt
*1/2 - 1 tsp of cinnamon
*1/4 tsp paprika
Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.
In a mixing bowl, toss all ingredients (ex-
cept the cinnamon) until the potato wedg-
es are evenly coated with oil and spices.
Place on a baking sheet, separated evenly,
and then sprinkle cinnamon on top as de-
sired. Bake for 30 minutes or until done.
Nutrition facts per 200 grams:
274 calories
39g of lower glycemic carbs
9g of fat
And best of all: ZERO grams of trans fat!
Next time youre in the mood for french
fries, give this healthy and delicious
alternative a try. Youll save more than
350 calories while completely avoiding the
health-derailing trans fats found in deep
fried french fries.
Now, if youre someone who is generally
sensitive to carbs (i.e. all the carbs you eat,
like pasta and potatoes, tend to get stored
around your waist or seemingly attach
themselves directly to your butt, hips, and
thighs), at the link below were going to
show you our #1 carb-fghting trick that
you can use each and every time you eat
carbs. Tis simple carb-fghting ritual is
clinically proven to:
*Lower your blood sugar
*Increase insulin sensitivity
*Decrease fat storage
*Increase fat burning
Joel Marion, CISSN, Co-Founder, BioTrust
Te french fry
Random Humor: The Medal Standings:
Vancouvers fnal medal standings
leading into this Olympics:
United States of America:
Gold - 9
Silver - 15
Bronze - 13
Gold - 10
Silver - 13
Bronze - 7
Gold - 14
Silver - 7
Bronze - 5
,, '' .'
Cozy Newsletter
Cozy Newsletter 24/7 Emergency Service: (847) 397-5888
Toms Two Cents
The Deep, THAW?
Sports Corner
Unique Holidays & Monthly Awareness
PG. 2
10 Tips for Training Like an Olympian
Vancouvers Medal Standings
Sudoku Break
Contest Corner
PG. 3
Cooking Corner: French Fry Alternative
Random Humor
Dogs World: Quick note from Frank
In This Issue:
I hope all is well with you and your
sweetheart. I love my wife and sports
so Im looking forward to a very warm
February. I am sure Valentines Day
is looked at as another Hallmark
Holiday but things have never been
better with the Mrs. and I. We have
been married 33 years now, I wonder
what the over/under was being set at
when we got married on that one?
Te Olympics will be viewed in this
mans cave. Watching amateur athletes
compete at the highest level is really
exhilarating. Everybody loves a winner
but I got to tell you just making an
Olympic team and competing with the
best makes all the athletes winners in
my book. Some of the personalities are
a riot. A peaceful two weeks would be
Te only thing the Olympic committee
could do if they wanted to make it
better in my opinion is to go back to
amateurs playing hockey. I dont know
why it bugs me so, but the Olympics
should be reserved for amateurs in my
opinion. I mean we are going to be
spoiled with 10 of our beloved Hawks
spread throughout the Olympic teams.
It is a little weird watching teammates
wearing diferent sweaters going
head to head. I just hope everyone is
safe and plays smart, no silly injuries
I do enjoy getting to see top athletes
playing sports that are not necessarily
the norm on TV. I mean how ofen is
curling on TV besides the Olympics.
Tings like that and bobsled, or heck,
combined Nordic for that matter. It is
always fun, because even if the sports
are not my favorite, I know it will be
entertaining watching the top athletes
from around the world.
I do hope that everything goes of
without a hitch. Tere are all kinds
or rumblings and reports coming
from the news, but I guess that is
just what we have to expect in todays
society. Someones of handed tweet
or comment are wrapped up into a
tizzy throughout the 24 hr news cycle.
All we can hope for is the best and all
these reports just being duds.
Hang in there guys summers a comin.
All the best always.

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