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Brand name: Aspirin

Generic name: Acetyl Salicylic Acid

Drug Classification: Analgesics & Antipyretics
Indication: Relief of headache, toothache, muscular and joint pains, dysmenorrheal, and to
reduce fever.
Mechanism of action: In your cells there are hormone messengers called prostaglandins.
These send out pain and inflamation signals to the body. The prostaglandins are
synthesized by an enzyme known as prostaglandin H2 synthase (PGHS) which has a
"tunnel" running through the middle of it where prostaglandins are synthesized.
Aspirin and salicylic acid attach to the inside of this tunnel where they act like a
valve or gate that inhibits prostaglandin prescursors from accessing the active site of
the enzyme. And if prostaglandins aren't produced, reduced pain and swelling will
Dose: Adult 1-2 tab; Children ½-1 tab 4 hourly as needed
Contraindication: Children and teenagers with chicken pox or flu symptoms. Haemophilia.
Infant <1 yr.
Special Precaution: Patients prone to dyspepsia or known lesions of gastric mucosa and
allergy. Impaired renal and hepatic function esp. with dehydrated children.
Adverse Effects:
EENT: hearing loss, tinnitus,
GI: GI bleeding, dyspepsia, epigastric distress, heartburn, nausea, abdominal pain,
anorexia, hypertoxicity, vomiting
Hemat: anemia, hemolysis, increased bleeding time
Misc: allergic reactions including anaphylaxis and laryngeal edema, noncardiogenic
pulmonary edema.
Form: Tablet- 325 mg
Pregnancy Risk Category: C; D if full dose aspirin use in 3rd trimester
Nursing Responsibilities:
 Pain: Assess pain and limitation of movement; note type, location and intensity
before and at the peak after administration.
 Fever: Assess fever and note associated signs I diaphoresis, tachycardia,
malaise, chills).
 Monitor hematocrit periodically in prolonged high- dose therapy to assess for
GI blood. Aspirin prolongs bleeding time for 4-7 days and in large doses may
cause prolonged prothrombin time.
 Toxicity and overdose: Monitor patient for the onset of tinnitus, headache,
hyperventilation, agitation, mental confusion, lethargy, diarrhea, and sweating.

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