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What is so good about Mathletics?

“For every superficial once-over-lightly Bebo exchange there is the magic. My kids
also do Mathletics. have you heard of Mathletics? Mathletics is maths on
computer, in competition form. You play kids from all over the world, you score
and you win and get rewards and certificates. And they love it! It is more effective
than anything I ever came within a million miles of seeing when I last studied the
subject. My kids kill for computer time to do Maths! My Mum had to force the
pencil into my hand and prise the book open …”
Mike Hosking waxing lyrical about Mathletics on Newstalk ZB on Tuesday, 4 August.

The following text describes specifically why Mathletics continues to be consistently award
winning and the No 1 Maths education website in the world.

Quality Learning Approaches

Mathletics uses a range of proven quality learning approaches. It supports many of the best
aspects of traditional mathematics, while opening up more self-directed possibilities and
learning styles in line with 21st Century learning principles. Students’ learning is carefully
scaffolded as they develop mastery of mathematical concepts mapped precisely to the
curriculum. The online environment provides continual feedback and formative assessment,
allowing students to monitor their own progress and develop self-regulation and meta-
cognition skills.

The Mathletics question bank is the largest online today, with intelligent adaptation within
questions sets to keep student’s working at their correct level. Students’ work is immediately
marked, allowing teachers and parents to track progress and better inform teacher’s
interactions with their students, such as adjusting courses or setting variant tasks. Complete
step-by-step examples and animated solutions are available on demand for every question,
both empowering the student, and providing the teacher with real-time formative
assessment and feedback..

Automaticity of basic skills is supported via an engaging multi-player environment where

improvement (not winning) accrues benefits for a virtual avatar (Mathlete). Other aspects of
the program are carefully designed to build and support problem solving skills in more open
ended contexts. This includes high quality, print on demand, materials that move students
along the continuum from knowledge to application and higher order reasoning. To enhance
the student’s progress towards higher-order reasoning, other modes of learning are available
such as virtual manipulatives to explore and pose problems in a more visual manner.

Mathletics serves significantly more learners from currently served

Mathletics currently reaches over 2 million students worldwide and this volume of students is
growing daily. The success of Mathletics across multiple curricula is that it reaches many
students who have become alienated or lack confidence in their potential in math. Teachers
report that this level of success is largely due to motivational factors for the student and its
blend of structured support, customisable curricula, self-directed learning possibilities, 24/7
access beyond the classroom and instant feedback to both student and teachers. Many
teachers have reported on students who were mathphobic turning around and achieving
success in mathematics on the basis of their Mathletics program. The capacity to deliver
personalised courses to all students in their class helps teachers to properly cater for students
who need consolidation or extension, with detailed and comprehensive curricula, inbuilt
diagnostic tools, and clear progress and accountability metrics.

Mathletics serves new populations of learners

Mathletics is expanding into multiple countries and educational jurisdictions on a daily basis.
A free annual event - World Maths Day is a global phenomena hosted by the creators of
Mathletics. In 2009 it attracted 1.9 million students from 225 countries. Mathletics also hosts
the American Math Challenge, the Australian Numeracy and Literacy Week Challenge, NZ
Maths Week, UK National Maths Week, Middle Eastern Maths Challenge, South African Maths
Challenge, and the Canadian Maths Challenge amongst others. The program supports easy
customisation so courses can be accurately matched to any curricula where it is used.
Customised courses and content are provided for each region where it is being used, which
reduces administrative load for teachers, and they can still further customise default courses
which are provided for their region, or search through curricula from other countries.
Mathletics supports all levels of school curriculum, including advanced topics that would
often be classed as university level. An active development program ensures that every topic
area in each curricula is fully covered. Mathletics is also finding also increasingly being used in
post compulsory training areas. A companion product, Spellodrome, is also popular with
schools, and new developments have generated great interest in further extending the
successful track record in mathematics learning into supporting literacy. Some of the
multiuser aspects of the program have also been implemented on the iPhone – one of the
first applications to support true simultaneous interaction via this platform – which also
extend the reach and appeal of mathematics learning.

Provides greater convenience for learners

Mathletics provides a supportive learning environment accessible beyond the limited

provision of a formal classroom and allocated lesson time. It provides the interactive support
and dynamic feedback that students need to enable effective mathematics learning beyond
the boundaries of the classroom. This balance of freedom and support greatly increases the
convenience for learners and students. The ‘always available’ aspect of the program means
they can continue to learn in an environment that provides feedback, instruction, and
problem solving that they can access and explore in their own time, without needing to wait
for their individual attention within a busy class. The visual feedback system and adaptive
delivery allows students to quickly progress over areas they have already mastered, and focus
in on areas where they need greater support. This empowers teachers to customise
curriculum pathways for their students at the click of a button. All of this means students can
more easily be supported or extended at the appropriate level, rather than restricted to a one
size fits all approach. The 24/7 access suits students who expect to engage with digital
resources at a time and manner outside of traditional school time. Other aspects of
Mathletics provide rich tools for the teacher to use with the class – such as high quality
problem solving resources and virtual manipulatives – enriching the learners experience
within a traditional class.

Enables improved instructor efficiency

There are several major areas where Mathletics improves instructor efficiency. It allows
instructors to easily support a range of pathways and abilities within their class. Full
curriculum and support can be delivered to students needing either extension or
consolidation. This significant saving of time and effort frees teachers’ time to be more
involved in customising and developing materials for the multiple ability groups within one

The teacher can also be freed from some of the more tedious workload constraints enabling
them to work in a more in depth manner. For example, monitoring of student progress is
done in an efficient manner, since the system tracks and collates results. The system keeps
teachers informed of how often students are accessing it, what progress they are making, and
allows teachers to adjust learning pathways if they wish. Thus one interface can be used to
review and adjust learning pathways for the whole class. It also allows the teacher to identify
which students have not attempted tasks, and which may need more direct help or an
adjustment of tasks. One of the key design principles of the software is that it provides an
efficient and intuitive process for reviewing and customising the learning for students. The
real time ability to review data and align tasks streamlines and improves processes that are

otherwise quite labour intensive (for example it can be used to manage and review class
homework in a more detailed and time efficient way, and better inform decisions for whole
class planning). As well as its primary usage by students in their schools and homes, where
data and pathways are overseen by a local maths teacher, Mathletics may also be used in
virtual classes and distance learning arrangements, as a key support for instructors that can
greatly increase instructor efficiency in these situations.

Achieves cost reduction that is passed on to learners

Many schools are using Mathletics in place of traditional textbooks –an area where learners
and parents are often asked to provide even in public education. This is a cost effective
solution – since many textbooks cost considerably more than a years’ subscription to
Mathletics, and do not provide the same range of online and printable resources that it
contains. Furthermore, many have reported that the experience of the program has been
highly effective for tutoring and support; and the cost of a single session with a tutor is
typically significantly more than a student will pay for a year of 24/7 access to Mathletics
resource, with all of the adaptive materials for support and extension that this entails, as well
as the high levels of engagement and practice it fosters. On both of these fronts significant
savings can be made which reduce the costs of mathematics curriculum and support.

Provides education to significant number of disadvantaged learners

The engaging and comprehensive nature of Mathletics makes it effective for students at all
parts of the academic spectrum, and from all backgrounds. Many have observed that
disadvantaged students who are at risk of failure in school have found the program is highly
motivating, to the point of wanting to return to classroom during lunch hours etc to continue
working. The high engagement level is a definite plus in attracting students who might not
have seen themselves as on an academic pathway. Many schools with lower socio-economic
profiles are using the program to engage and retain students in mathematics. As well as the
cost effective nature for learners (discussed above) there are no conceptual barriers to entry -
the intuitive interface is easily learnt by students and there are no barriers of assumed
knowledge. One of the design principles is that students cannot tell which ‘year level’
curriculum they are on; so customising and modifying courses for students in need of
additional support does not carry any social stigma.

Saves substantial travel time and cost

Mathletics can be used wherever a student can be online. There is no need for mathematics
learning to be limited to the provision of a teacher in a school at particular times. The
flexibility of such an on demand access greatly increases the effective learning time and zone
for students, and reduces the physical travel that may otherwise be needed to contact
teachers or tutors for after hours support. It can also be used to support in virtual classes, or
in distance learning, where a more remote teacher coordinates is only able to visit less

Enables clarity of learning outcomes

Mathletics provides constant visual feedback for both students and teachers, regarding
progress and achievement. A clear visual system that reflects concept mastery gives students
a precise indication of what they have attempted and how they have gone. Many students
find this in itself is a sufficiently motivating reason to re-engage with the tasks until they have
not attained a mastery level, and the provision of contextual support materials ensures this
an effective strategy (analysis of a very large data set indicates that 99.2% of students who do
this, actually reach the mastery level). Questions are calibrated that the system will not
reflect concept mastery until the student has attained fluency on several adaptive levels
relating to the material – ensuring it is not simply a limited rehearsal of a procedure that is
being rewarded. A separate process also rewards the students’ virtual avatar with points and
credits as they make progress. This dual system is carefully designed to promote and
celebrate participation and effort, reserving a separate incentive for progress. The self-
directed access to concept mastery is also supported by problem solving resources, and open
ended virtual manipulative materials, which also track attempts and success. Mathletics
provides clear and concise information about progress and mastery and can be used to
support various approaches to mathematics learning,

Improves results in mastery of subject matter as measured by formative or

summative assessments

There is absolutely no doubt that Mathletics improves mastery of mathematical subject matter. It
makes extensive use of formative assessment – students received constant feedback on progress on
targeted concepts and skill sets. Extensive data sets confirm that 99% of students who attempt an
activity 3 times will achieve concept mastery. That is, the support section provides sufficient clarity of
targeted information, delivered in an on demand and instantaneous format, so students of all levels
are supported to achieve mastery – even those who had been somewhat math phobic. The teacher
can also review general progress (including whole topic tests) trends and use this for summative
reporting, or to inform further class and curricula decisions. As well providing initial pre-test and post-

tests a new diagnostic tool takes formative assessment to a new level. When used in conjunction with
a teacher who monitors and sets activities, the improvement results form Mathletics usage are clear
and well documented. Extensive data sets confirm the anecdotal stories of student improvement and
concept mastery.

Enhances effectiveness of pedagogy or learner engagement

While ‘effective pedagogy’ can be a contested term, it is generally agreed that effective teaching
provides students with ample feedback that they can use in a timely manner to inform their learning.
This formative assessment can be difficult to provide in a timely and detailed manner for a class of
students who may have different abilities. Mathletics definitely supports and strengthens effective
teaching by making this desirable goal achievable. Mathletics also supports differentiation of
curriculum and learning pathways, by streamlining and removing many of the logistical and planning
problems that can otherwise frustrate the delivery of differentiated curriculum. The learner
engagement has to be seen to be believed - many teachers have reported that otherwise disengaged
students have found a pathway into mathematics with Mathletics, and are keen to share and
celebrate their success. while more capable students are empowered and challenged. Mathletics is a
comprehensive resource, and as well as supporting the core skills needed for problem solving, higher
order mathematical thinking is promoted via high quality workbooks which use a knowledge-
application-reasoning scaffold , interactive manipulatives and video.

Enhances self-directed learning, critical thinking or metacognitive skills

Mathletics can be used in conjunction with various teaching philosophies, and it definitely
supports Self directed learning. It substantially resolves an issue that has often vexed maths
classrooms – how to provide the scaffolded environment without while engaging kids off all
abilities and learning styles. Students can use Mathletics to access high quality mathematical
materials and to self monitor their progress in adaptive environment that challenges them.
The resource can also be used in conjunction with other classroom innovative classroom
strategies– jigsaw or other group work approaches, reflection journals, peer tutoring etc are
all very compatible with the use of Mathletics if a teacher chooses. The flexibility of the
system tends to promote a self directed approach while allowing integration of other
progressive classroom strategies.

Includes or enables integrated assessment or better assessment of student

learning by the teacher/faculty

Integrated assessment of student progress is a very strong aspect of Mathletics. The system
collates all of the results and information from any student activity into an interface that
resembles an electronic mark book. As well as allowing teachers to review and monitor
progress this same interface also enables allows tasks to be reset or adjusted in the light of on

current progress. Thus assessment is real time – allowing teachers to see moment by moment
progress in class, as well as homework results and other asynchronous access. It is also adds
weight to formative assessment in informing teacher decision making, while easing the
burden of continual correction that this can entail. It also allows teachers to view a summary
view of test results for each topic, and to drill down into more detailed information at a topic
level. The information from the live competition maths data is also accessed in real time.
Longer term historical data can also be easily accessed for all aspects of the site.

Thus the mark book analogy reassures teachers that data is collated in a familiar manner but
it also gives richer data, and enables real time updating and control over task allocation.

Has achieved mainstream instructor usage

Mathletics has achieved widespread usage in a number of educational jurisdictions. It is a

familiar and well used tool in many schools and classrooms. For example it is Australia’s most
used educational website. (xx market penetration stats?) and is used in a diverse range of
ways across many varieties of schools and in all stages of learning. For example one teacher
may predominantly use it to streamline and customise homework, and better inform and
integrate the progress results into the daily program; another may use it as a significant
component of in class activities, another as extension and consolidation support, another as a
teaching tool, another as a text resource and diagnostic bank, another for the problem solving
support – and indeed most schools probably blend some combination of these.

Provides large-scale mission-critical 24/7 support

Several layers of support are provided. 24/7 technical support for any unexpected issues is
always available from a dedicated technical support team. The highest priority is keeping the
system running, so fully redundant backup servers in different geographical locations are used
to maintain service in case of hardware failure etc. The company utilises a team of regional
managers who deliver ongoing training on location as required. Indeed the product cannot
simply be bought and used in a school or institution without some training and support.
Follow up sessions with groups of staff are also frequently scheduled and provide an on the
ground communication in case of any issues. Another separate team regularly contacts
schools and provide another level of liaison and feedback in case of any issues.

Supports institution-wide usage

The system can easily scale to include every student within a school or institution. Indeed the
interface assumes that it is used widely across a system, and aggregates some of the common

tasks into an administration centre for the institution. This includes maintenance of
institutional rolls, data import of student enrolments, and generation of courses which can be
shared and re-used across any class or year level. This arrangement scales well across
institutional usage of any size.

Supports statewide, countrywide, or global usage

Given the ubiquity of the internet, usage at any of these levels is supported. The evolution of
the program has indeed been from state to country to global usage. Offices and support
teams are in many countries. Curriculum is actively customised and mapped to every state
and country curriculum, and new regions are constantly being added and mapped. Strong
technical infrastructure is in place to can support addition of new regions and territories. So in
terms of customisation for local curricula, support and training, and infrastructure, the
systems readily scales and supports any level of usage.

Supports development of key competencies

Numeracy and mathematical proficient is a key deliverable for education systems, and
building capacity at a system level, for organisations as well as for individuals, requires that
knowledge artefacts be embedded in the culture of an organisation. Mathletics provides this
in several ways – since development of student skills in mathematics is associated with an ICT
environment that also promotes teacher skills. The strong model of training and support
ensures Mathletics is never just a ‘program’ that the school may happen to use; mathematical
teachers are inducted into an effective way to utilise ICT for mathematics learning, which can
support several successful approaches to mathematics pedagogy. Using ICT to improve
student outcomes in mathematics can require some cultural shift among staff, and the
success of the program indicates it strikes the right balance between usability and new
learning - the learning curve is accessible and provides sufficient ‘pay off’ in that it tends to
‘stick’ and generate permanent change of practice. Indeed, the suggested program of usage is
that teachers become comfortable with basic usage for a term, before another training
sessions consolidates some of the more advanced features. Cluster training (drawing teachers
together from local schools) and Mathletics user groups also foster the organisational learning
around the key competencies of supporting mathematics competency via ICT usage.
Organisational learning is an assumed part of the Mathletics usage.

Supports assessment of key competencies

Within the education sphere, key competencies at an organisational level, include measures
of teaching effectiveness as reflected measured by student performance and improvement.

This can include aggregation and comparison with system data or other demographics.
Mathletics supports this in several ways; administrators within any institution can use the
performance data of cohorts to students to help reflect on teacher practice with a school or
setting. An growing range of diagnostic tools diversify the ways that diagnostic information is
gathered throughout the year, in relation to key stage assessments, which will help
personalise feedback on development of key competences relating to promotion of student

Additionally, Mathletics has attained sufficient usage and scale that it can provide a large data
source to assist with feedback and benchmarking across sector; and this aggregated data can
be made available various educational authorities to assist with assessment of key
competencies n relation to Mathematics teaching and learning.

Enables planning or management of competency development

A significant body of research has found that teacher professional development (and thus
organisational competencies) are most effectively delivered within school settings, as the
transfer to daily practice is stronger. Mathletics supports and delivers this most effective style
of competency development. The data is delivered where it has most impact - to teachers
who can use it to inform competency development of student, and reflect on their own
practice. Local administrators in a school can use it to compare usage patterns and student
progress, and promote discussion of practice. As noted this style of in situ professional
development is widely regarded as the most effective way to improve teacher competency
and thus organisational learning. As mentioned in the previous section, Mathletics has
attained sufficient usage and scale that it can provide a large data source to assist with
feedback and benchmarking across sectors; and this aggregated data can be made available
various educational authorities to assist with assessment of key competencies in relation to
mathematics teaching and learning.

Enables more efficient sharing of best practices

Mathletics supports efficient sharing of best practices through several channels. The
company regularly facilitates sessions at teacher mathematics conferences, and Mathletics
user groups also promote discussion and sharing of best practice. In addition to these
sessions, a significant body of research has found that teacher professional development (and
thus organisational competencies) are often most effectively delivered within the local school
settings. Mathletics intrinsically supports this as data is delivered where it has most impact -
to teachers who can use it to inform competency development of student, and reflect on
their own practice. The transfer to daily practice is also supported since a local administrator

can compare usage patterns and student progress, and promote discussion of practice based
on that data.

Provides a distinctive organizational learning advantage

The challenge of effectively integrating ICT into schools provides a significant organizational
learning advantage for schools. (Many studies have pointed out that the promise of ICT
transforming the curriculum, is undermined by the need for greater teacher training and
expertise). Mathletics provides a distinctive organizational learning advantage by resolving
this dilemma – a highly effective ICT environment that has a proven effect upon the core
business of numeracy and mathematics learning, provides a full range of supportive and
challenging curricula, and yet remains accessible and usable by all teachers, not just a few
atypical ICT specialists. This is a powerful mix that increases student learning, leads to better
results in the mathematics classroom, supports teachers and equips them with new materials
and skills.

Achieves a far superior realization of other prior products or services of its kind

Mathletics is the largest and most comprehensive online system for supporting and delivering
educational mathematics, using a range of courseware and other approaches. The ongoing
development program continues to ensure that Mathletics remains the world leader in online
maths education.

Has clear potential to establish a much needed new category of learning

application or tool

Unfortunately maths education has become highly polarised in many quarters. Mathletics
avoids the mistake of catering solely to one theory of learning. It supports skill practice and
problem solving, working mathematically and mastery learning. It provides a much needed
boost to real time formative assessment. It deploys all of this in manner that supports
independence and self directed learning. The result is that students find it engaging and
supportive and that practicing teachers find it is highly usable.

Incorporates a scientific breakthrough promising enhanced learning based on
brain research or learning theory

Mathletics very clearly support personalisation and self directed learning, through its
adaptive, on demand, any time, anywhere approach. This is clearly a huge demand for
personalisation in education, and Mathletics supports this without trading off rigour, depth of
content. It allows this personalisation to be integrated into regular classes , improving maths
education both inside and outside the classroom. It provides a much needed boost to real
time formative assessment. It supports skill practice and problem solving, working
mathematically and mastery learning. It deploys all of this in manner that supports
independence and self directed learning

Represents a radical improvement in access, affordability, or quality of


As discussed the web deliverable nature of the program means it is fully accessible where the
internet reaches. The system is constantly adding new resources, expanding into new
curricula, delivering new tools, new diagnostic tools for teachers, new tools for students to
working collaboratively online. None of this is hamstrung by the need for software upgrades
in schools etc. Mathletics is considerably less than the cost of textbook or a single tutoring
session, it delivers enormous range and depth or resources and well designed curricula.

Provides a seamless way to incorporate advanced functionality requiring little

or no faculty, teacher, or learner training to use

As discussed the success of the program indicates it strikes the right balance between
usability and new learning - the learning curve is accessible and provides sufficient ‘pay off’ in
that it tends to ‘stick’ and generate permanent change of practice. A key design principle of
the software is that it provides an efficient and intuitive interface, which is accessible to staff
of all levels of ICT usage and training. The web deliverable nature means that upgrades to
now require technical support of re-installation. New features are always introduced in a way
that does not ‘break’ existing workflow patterns.


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