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Melissa Adams

STANDARD 8- Assessment: The teacher understands various formal and informal

assessment strategies and uses them to support the continuous development of all


1. Write a paragraph explaining your knowledge and understanding of the standard—put the

standard into your own words.

As teachers, we need to be sure that students understand the material we are giving them.

Assessment tools help teachers grade and evaluate student work in a constructive and fair

manner. There are many types of assessment tools that can be uniquely tied to a specific lesson

or activity. They allow for students to have a deeper understanding of what they did wrong or

what it is they are to get out of the activity or lesson.

2. Explain how the artifact you chose demonstrates your understanding and application of the


The artifact I chose is a rubric designed to grade a website poetry project. The rubric is an

appropriate assessment tool for this type of project. There are many steps and different aspects

of the project that require grading. A rubric allows for each student to be graded fairly on their

project and all of its details. In a rubric assessment students do not get graded right or wrong on

an aspect or piece of the project, instead they get rated according to the information or effort they

put into it. This gives students who struggle with art or with grammar a chance to still receive a

high score even though they may lack in those areas.

3. A If the artifact has been used in your practice, reflect on how your teaching will change in

the future to further meet the standard.

B. If the artifact has not been used in your practice, i.e., a class assignment, reflect upon how

your teaching will be impacted by the assignment.

Assessment rubrics improve the ways projects and assignments can be given in a class. Since

there are so many details involved in a project it is important to give each student a fair chance at

grading. Rubrics help most in those times when you can’t decide if the student did something or

not. It allows you to get into detail and say if they did most of the things they get this amount, if

they did less they get this amount. Since there is an assessment tool that gives teachers the

flexibility in grading work like this, more teachers will be willing to assign detailed projects and

assignments that can be graded using a rubric.

4. Conclude with a paragraph discussing how you are more prepared to Teach and Learn in a

Diverse Society as a result of satisfactorily meeting the standard.

Creating a rubric for projects causes the teacher to look at and grade each project individually.

This idea reflects how we should teach in a diverse society. Students are all unique and different

and don’t all fall in the same category or description. As a teacher it is my job to treat my

students to their specific needs, not place them in groups or give them assignments that they are

destined to fail. I also have to realize that not all of my students are going to be able to do a

certain task which then an accommodation will be appropriate. This is what rubrics do. They

allow you to make accommodations and grade student work based on their ability and their

effort. Since not all students are going to perform the same, there needs to be allowances for

certain work they do turn in.

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