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For Mrs.

Van Patton's 2nd Grade



Adopted on April 27, 1994, the flag of South Africa was designed to symbolize unity.
The red, white and blue colors were taken from the colors of the Boer Republics.

The yellow, black and green are taken from the African National Congress (ANC) flag.
Black symbolizes the people, green the fertility of the land, and gold the mineral wealth
beneath the soil. Those colors were adopted by the ANC in 1925.
South Africa's National Anthem
Lord, bless Africa
May her spirit rise high up
Hear thou our prayers
Lord bless us
Lord, bless Africa
Banish wars and strife
Lord, bless our nation
Of South Africa.
Ringing out from our blue heavens
From our deep seas breaking round
Over everlasting mountains
Where the echoing crags resound ...
There are many amazing animals!
Zebra, Giraffes, Elephants!

I love the beautiful animals!

This elephant is trying to run a car
off the road!

When you visit

South Africa, you
can go to a game
reserve and see the
wild animals.
Here is a map of South Africa
Can you find
Cape Town?
Did you know that
South Africa is FACTS!!
called the Rainbow Government Type:
Nation? Republic


43.6 million
(July 2002 est.)

Ethnic Groups:
75.2% black
13.6% white
8.6% Colored
2.6% Indian

68% Christian
2% Muslim
1.5% Hindu
28.5% indigenous beliefs

Afrikaans, English, Ndebele, PediSotho, Swazi, Tsonga, TswanaVenda, Xhosa, Zulu

Population below poverty line:

50% (2000 est.)
Native Lingo
Zulu is the most widely spoken language in South Africa. Zulu uses many tones and clicking sounds, made by pressing the
tongue against different parts of the mouth. Hear for yourself by clicking below to hear some phrases spoken in Zulu.

Sawubona (sa-woo-boh-na)

Sala kahle (sah-la kah-leh)

Umngane (oom-gan-eh)

Thank you
Ngiyabonga (ngee-ya-bon-ga)

Excuse me
Uxulo (ooh-khoo-lo)

My name is Freddy.
Lgama lami ngu (ee-gah-ma lah-me ngoo_.)

Cool !

This is what Zulu sounds like.

Isizulu sizwakala kanje.
Where can I get a pizza around here?
Ngingayithola kuphi ipizza lapha?
Get to know South Africa!
– Fact File

Get the facts about its land, products and people.

Official name: Republic of South Africa
Size: 471,011 square miles; that's bigger than Texas
and California together
Population: 43,997,828 as of July 2007
Capital: Pretoria
Official Language: Eleven official languages,
including Zulu, Xhosa (kho-suh and English
Climate: Cold winters and hot, humid summers
Products: Gold, diamonds, iron ore, platinum, silver,
machinery, corn, wheat, sugarcane and grapes
Kids from South Africa
– School:
· Children ages 7 through 15 are required to attend school. Parents must pay fees for their children to attend school,
even public schools. All students wear uniforms.
· Schools in South Africa are packed with kids. In fact, some schools have two or three sessions to accommodate all
the kids.

· ··Soccer is the most popular sport in South Africa. In 2010, South Africa was the first African country to host the
men’s World Cup tournament.
· South Africans of all ages play mankala, one of the oldest games in the world. It is a counting game played with a
board, usually two rows of up to 12 cups, and seeds or stones.

· South Africa has a large black and a smaller white population. Many of the blacks live in rural areas. Most black South
Africans live in extended families, either within the same home or in separate homes clustered close together. Women
usually have traditional roles.
· Most of the country’s white population lives in cities.

Signature foods:
· Pap is a staple of South Africa. Made from maize, which is like corn meal, it is eaten in the form of rice or noodles, for
breakfast with milk and sugar and as a stew with sauce and meat
These children are ZULU!

this music came out in the early 70's, it's music from the african play
ipi'ntombia, which means young woman
South African Sayings

Baggies Certainly not "swimming trunks" or even worse: "bathing suit!!", but means the same. Bakkie ('Buk-ky') Pickup
Biltong Jerky in the US, only much better!. This is specially prepared dried raw meat, made from beef, venison or ostrich.
Biscuit Cookie in the US. In America, a biscuit is a scone with no sugar. In South Africa,
it's a cookie. Some favourites are Marie Biscuits, Romany Creams, and Eet Sum Mor.
Boerewors Farmstyle sausage or "wors". (Literally, "Farmers Sausage"). It is consumed in vast
quantities on braais all over the country.
Bokkie Used mostly in the Afrikaans circles - a young, pretty lady; or girlfriend.
Boykie Little boy, or can be used as in: "He's quite a boykie" - (he's quite the guy!)"
Braai Barbecue (US) or Barbie (Aus). Extremely popular SA occupation. Men take great pride in preparing this
event; and is probably the only time the average South African does something around the house!
Dankie Thank you
Eina(aynah) Ouch! Widely used. Derived from Afrikaans.
Howzit (also hoesit") The famous, and one of the most typical, South African greeting. Short for "How is it?"
Lekker An Afrikaans word meaning nice, this word is used by all language groups to express approval.
Pavement In South Africa this is the sidewalk.
Robot Yes, it's a traffic light!
Shame Very typical South African expression; also found amusing by foreigners. "Ag shame, look how cute that baby is!",
Takkies Sneakers, trainers, running shoes
School children wear uniforms!
If we follow the traditional, European view that each season is three months long, summer is from December
to February. Autumn from March to May, winter from June to August and Spring from September to
November. In actual fact, however, based on the weather, the seasons in South Africa are as follows:

Spring: September - October

Summer: November - March
Autumn: April - May
Winter: June - August
Thus, the spring is rather short, at only two months, whilst the summer is quite long, being 5 months in length,
and in some northern regions of the country, even longer.

Did you know that in South Africa, when it is

summer here, it is winter there? The seasons
are switched...

In South Africa, the cars go on the opposite

side of the can be very confusing
if you aren't used to it!

This is a picture of Cape Town.

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