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Darrel HazellOhio State UniversityGrand Rapids 2006 Winning in Transition: To play WR @ OSU the top 4 skills are: 1.

Catching 2. Release/Escape 3. Break Point 4. Blocking Create a Drill checklist, but watch game film and tailor drills to mirror game like situations. Break Points: 1. Hard Angle Cuts (Hardest skill) a. 2 step cut i. Route side foot 1. hard into the ground ii. Off Foot 1. hard upfield iii. Come back iv. Body posture 1. Eyes 2. Hips 3. Arms 4. Steps v. Change Posture 1. shoulders and head should lunge forward on 2nd step 2. get them over your toes vi. Get your face out of the break 1. the hands should come up late vii. Smooth transition and explosion 1. Feet should be just wider than the hips to facilitate explosive change of direction b. Drills (on Video) i. Cone Drill ii. Posture Drill 2. Speed Cut (easiest) a. Just like riding and turning a bike b. Drop the route side shoulder i. Gravity will then make the turn c. Keep the arms working through the break d. Get the face out of the break e. Drills i. Cone drill

3. Vertical a. Get nose up on the defender in the stem b. Slight step outside the DB frame to the outside c. Explode out and up i. Get skinny ii. Leverage back on top of DB d. Turn your chin not your shoulders Drills: 4 cone drill Coach

Synchronized Break

M Drill ( slow paced)

= back up

Vertical Cut

C This slight step occurs 1-3 yards from the defender Q R

Jet Drill: works catching off a hard break and getting vertical

Releases and Escapes: 1. Whip (abbreviated swim) a. Upper body (bird dog) i. Release side hand 1. target the elbow 2. get that arm off your body 3. get skinny ii. Backside hand 1. Strike outside part off elbow on move side 2. in case you did not clear it with first move iii. Replace the hip (back hand drill) 1. get your hip past his hip 2. smack him on the cheek as you get by him b. Lower Body i. Jab 1. away from break ii. Stutter 1. to 2. away 3. to iii. Double Pop c. Drills i. Stack release 1. Our release chain drill

ii. Sink and sit 1. release versus corner who fakes a bail technique 2. Rip a. Used more downfield when being grabbed b. Roll hips through to get clear Escapes: 1. Duck under/Duck Out (good vs. Wall technique) a. Used on i. DIG ii. Curl iii. Out iv. Comeback b. Excecution i. Get hip to hip with defender ii. 2 step break iii. near hand on defenders near butt cheek iv. drop shoulders and rip through 2. Stackem a. Excecuted vs. trail defender b. Head and shoulder fake opposite c. 2 step cut i. for vertical release bubble step out then re establish vertical 3. Stair Step a. Crossing routes b. With defender on your hip push vertical 1 or 2 steps and snap it off back onto the route.

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