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Important Reminder!!

Milestone 3
Due: Thursday, December 8th, 2011
All visual aids for your STATE interest project are due!!!
You may use several different types of visual aids for your exhibition. This will only enhance your presentation and retain your audiences attention. o Visual aids can be: Power Point Presentations, video clips, poster boards, posters, overhead projector transparencies, models, handouts, mobiles, diorama, and/or demonstrations. o The visual aids should be large enough to be seen from the back of the room. o Something written on an 8 x 11 piece of paper is NOT a visual aid. o Do NOT bring pieces of paper that will become the visual aids. They need to be already assembled. o All visual aids must be relevant to your state. You CANNOT use generic or random pictures. o e.g. if you described a Civil War battle that occurred in your state, you CANNOT use a Vietnam War picture that took placed in a different state.

There needs to be AT LEAST ONE visual aid for every main topic. (Roman numeral: I, II, III, etc.)
*You are required to have at least one visual aid per Roman numeral, but you are not limited to just one.

I. Location in the United States: you need to use a map of the United States as a visual aid. II. State Symbols: you need at least one visual aid pertaining to your state symbols. III. Capitol: you need to use a map of your state as a visual aid. IV. Climate: you need at least one visual aid pertaining to the climate of your state. V. Historical facts: you need at least one visual aid pertaining to a historical event that you described. VI. Population: you need at least one visual aid pertaining to your states population. VII. Plan a vacation to the state, visiting 3 cities: you will need to have COMPLETED your visual aid for your vacation. Remember you are trying to sell your state to potential visitors. This visual aid needs to be creative. You could create a travel brochure, TV commercial, or a billboard, just to name a few.

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