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Foreign Language Assignment Instructions:

ASSIGNMENT: You are required to individually present your responses to the following
questions. Create a video that incorporates Spanish phrases and post it in our GC. Your video
should not exceed 5 minutes.


A.1. Choosing a Spanish-Speaking Country: Select a Spanish-speaking country outside

Philippine territory where you would like to work, stay, or potentially migrate.

1.1. Reasons for Your Choice: State the reasons behind your selection and substantiate them
with relevant data, statistics, or references.

1.2. Providing a Brief Background: Please provide a concise overview of the country of your
choice, considering the following criteria:

a. Personal Appearance of a Citizen: Present images of both a male and female citizen of that
country. Use Spanish phrases while discussing their appearance.

b. Demographics: Include the country's total land area, population, and other relevant data.

c. Cultural Condition: Discuss positive and negative cultural practices in your chosen country
that you find either endearing (positive practices) or concerning (negative practices).

d. Economic Condition: Furnish available economic data such as the economic system, per
capita income of citizens, exchange rate between the Philippine peso and the local currency, and
the general living standard of ordinary citizens.

e. Political Condition: Describe the country's system of government, touch on common political
issues disturbing the peace and quiet of the people, and introduce the head of state/government.

f. Social Characteristics: Address questions concerning the treatment of foreigners, existence

of racial discrimination, and the hospitality shown to expatriates in your chosen country.

g. Religion: Identify the dominant religion practiced in the country.

h. Strange Practices: Highlight unusual practices that diverge from your Filipino orientation if
there are any. Use Spanish phrases to describe these practices.

i. Additional Relevant Data: Include any other pertinent information that assists in justifying your
decision to stay, work, or migrate to the chosen country. Utilize Spanish phrases to present
additional relevant data.

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