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Hola mi Gente Bonita! Come Dance with Rach!

MONDAYS 5-6PM HARROW COLLEGE, HARROW ON THE HILL, SPORTS HALL FIRST FLOOR, 4.50; TUESDAYS 8-9PM HARROW BOYS SCHOOL SPORTS CENTRE: GARLANDS LANE, HA1 3HP, 5.00; THURSDAYS 7-8PM HARROW BOYS SCHOOL SPORTS CENTRE; GARLANDS LANE, HA1 3HP, 6.00 at desk; NOTE: Those who bring 1-2 friends with them will be discounted (Mondays & Tuesdays) and if you bring more than 2 friends, you go absolutely FREE! GRATIS! Muy bien eh?! FINAL NOTE: I am not just your average instructor, as I have years of simply LOVING Spanish, Latin dance, etc. I learnt Spanish as a kid, and have studied it ever since. I dance in Latin clubs for the sheer passion, and truly wish to give you a session that fills you with amazement and happiness, whilst allowing you to leave absolutely dripping with sweat! I believe in getting your moneys-worth, and so my routines will have you sweating and yet smiling.....Want something different? Come try out my routines, and meet a genuine and passionate person who loves what she does

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