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Let us recite All Things Bright and Beautiful

5 volunteers!

Arrange yourself according to

Height Length of hair Birth month Body size

How do we sequence events?

Retell the story Alone by arranging the following events. Number them 1-5.
____A. He found Frog sitting on an island by himself. ____B. Toad slipped from the Turtles back and Frog helped him get up. ____C. Toad thought that Frog was sad so he prepared sandwiches and tea. ____D. Toad realized that Frog was not sad but happy instead. ____E. Toad went to Frogs house and found out that Frog wants to be alone.

Arrange the letters to form words.

a author o uhtr
one who writes books

e ending g dnin
the last part of a story

kbook oob
a set of written, printed, or blank sheets, made of ink, paper, or other materials, usually fastened together to hinge at one side

f o front cover r e rnt cov

protective covering used to bind together the pages of a book contains the title of the book and its author

a bback cover e r ck cvo

contains information about the author

i l l illustratoro r ustart
a person who draws pictures about the contents of a book

beginngn beginning
the first part of a book

paegs pages
sheets of paper that contain the stories and lessons we read

Name given to a book, movie, play and many more

Match Column A to Column B

1. a set of written, printed, or blank sheets, made of ink, paper, or other materials, usually fastened together to hinge at one side person who draws pictures about the contents of a book one who writes books contains information about the author protective covering used to bind together the pages of a book

A. back cover B. author C. front cover D. illustrator E. book

2. 3. 4. 5.

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