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Fall Out Boy: The Take Over, The Breaks Over

The video starts panning in towards a dog, asleep on his owners lap, and then using special effects the camera travels through the dogs eye towards his brain. As it goes through the dogs brain old songs from the band are played, giving of the connotation of memory and nostalgia. The video changes setting, into the Dogs dreams, and is set in black and white as Dogs are colour blind. The camera cuts around the members of the band playing in the Dogs mind. The video consists of what the band think goes through the guitarists dogs head. The camera moves on to show water hydrants appearing out of the ground as there is a mid-shot of the dog running through them. This uses special effects and editing, and in the next shot bones start to fly from the sky. As the chorus starts a postman walks into the shot and begins to breakdance as the camera shows multiple shots of the band. Then as the band are playing, the lead singers head is replaced by a cats head, this is used for comical value and helps to improve the mise-en-scene. Following this women dressed as cats are used attract the male audience. Then the mise-en-scene improves as the lead singer is turned into a raw pork chop whilst playing a guitar. As the song goes into an instrument solo, and become more downbeat, a mob of angry fans walk in and throw water balloons at the band. The angry fans are emphasised as the music becomes more aggressive and the dark clothes and black and white screen make the mob seem more threatening and angry. The shaking red writing that comes from the mob is

This is the set for the whole video. As the video goes on its seen through a dogs eyes so its in back and white. The blank, white set compliments the dogs view.

The band wear matching black and white outfits, this yet again compliments the black and white editing aspect of the video.

The car in the background is a prop in the video, used to show how the band is hardcore and are willing to jump on a car not caring if its damaged.

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