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MGMT Chapter 14.

Team and Teamwork4/24/2012 8:07:00 AM

Takeaway 14.1 Why is it important to understand teams and teamwork Teams offer synergy and other benefits to organizations and their members o A team is a small group of people with complemtary skills who work together to accomplish share goals while holding each other mutually accountable for performance results o Teamwork- people working together to accomplish a shared goal o Synergy- the creation of a whole that exceeds the sum of its parts o Teamwork effect- bball and hospitals o Being part of a team is benficail for th mebers as well Teams often suffer from common performance problems o Problems; o Personality conflicts and wrok style diffrences o Different goals and competing visions o With draw because of uncertainty o Low enthusiasm for group works o social loafing- free riders who slack off and alow other team members to do most of the work Spot light on personal performance Fixes for free riders Rewarding people Make task assigments more interesting Keep team sizes small Orgs. Are networks of formal teams and informal groups o Formal team- is official designated for a specific organizational purpose Deparments (ex. Mktg resaech dept) Dicisions ( office prosuct division) Work units (audit unit) Teams (customer service team) o Formal teams are headed by supervisors, mangers, department heads, teams leaders etc. Linking pin roles Play more than one roles

Network facilatars Helpful participants External coaches o Informal groups- emerge from a natural or spatanoues relationship, not required ones Interest group were they pursue a common cause Women career network Friendship groups Support groups Orgs. Use committees task force and cross functional teams o Committee brings together people outside of their daily assigned task to work in small teams for a specific purpose Task agenda is focused an ongoing Diversity and compensation o Project teams or task force- puts people together to work on common problems, but on temporary rather than on going problems o Project teams Develop a new product or service Redesign work flows Specilaied consulting for a client o Task force Employee retention problems Improving work schedule o Cross-functional teams- brings toether members of different function units Work together on specific problems or task, sharinf info and exploring new ideas Knock down wall of departments o Employee involvement teams- meet on a regular basis with the goal of using their expertise and experience or continues improvement Quality circle- is a teams that meets regularly to discuss and plan specific ways to improve work quality Virtual teams are increasing common in orgs.

o Virtual team- members work together and solve problems through computer mediated rather than face to face interaction In house or other web-based meeting sources Pros Great distances Cost and time efficient Share lost of info Keep recods of team activities Maintain database Cons Self- managing groups Interpersonal prblems Social loafing Goals unclear Meeting request may be to frequent Establishing good working relationship Depersonalized relationships teams are a form of job enrichment for

o Self- manging teasm (autonomous work groups)-these are teams whose members have been given collective authority to make many decisions about how they work , previsouly made by higher level mangers Adv. Better performance Decreased cost Higher morale Self management responsibilities Planning and scheduling work Training members in various task Distributing task Meeting performance goals Ensuring high quality Solving day to day operating problems Sometimes hiring and firing

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4/24/2012 8:07:00 AM

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