October Zeta Xi Meeting

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The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International Alpha State, Texas Area XIV Midland, Texas #158

Volume 51 Issue 2

zZeta Xi News

Vision Statement: Leading women educators impacting education worldwide

President, Lois Hagins Editor, Patti Groce September, 2012 pgroce@midland.e du

Mission Statement: The Delta Kappa Gamma society International promotes professional and personal growth of women educators and excellence in education.

October Zeta Xi Meeting

Date: Monday, October 1, 2012 Program: Whats Happening at Hope House Time: 6:30 p.m. Place: 3505 Trinity Meadows Anita Pattons Home Directions: Trinity Meadows is located West of Midkiff Avenue and North of Wadley. Hostesses: Anita Patton, Martha Savage, Virginia Conner, Kathy Anderson, and Dorothy Thompson. Fatima Castillo, Executive Director of Hope House will speak on the purposes and activities of Gifts of Hope, Inc. This non-profit is dedicated to supporting cancer patients who have limited financial resources by providing a place to stay at Hope House and assistance with medical expenses, easing their emotional and physical stress while coping with cancer treatments.
Remember to bring white bath towels, hand towels, and wash cloths to the meeting to give to Fatima for Hope House.

A True International Society

Delta Kappa Gamma, as you know, started in Texas and has expanded nationally and internationally over the last 83 years. There are now chapters located in all 50 states and 17 countries. It was a wonderful sight to see the international chapter representatives carry the flags of their nations into the Delta Kappa Gamma Society International Convention in New York City. In addition to including members of other countries in Delta Kappa Gamma, DKG members support Schools for Africa, (SFA). The Schools for Africa campaign began in 2004, with collaboration among UNICEF, corporate, state, and individual donors. In 2010, SFA was adopted as DKG s first international project. Members through their contributions to this project transform the lives of students through education. Since undertaking the project, DKG members have raised a total of $105, 804. Monies(according to article by Cathy Daugherty in the Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin, Fall 2012 Vol.79) are used for: improved classroom buildings and equipment safe water and improved sanitation facilities play areas, libraries, gardens life-skills education teaching and learning materials community participation in school management trained teachers health check-ups and immunization This year in the recognition of the international spirit of Delta Kappa Gamma, Zeta Xi will hold an International Potluck and World Fellowship Auction at our November 5 meeting at Nancy Dosss home. Each member will bring one dish from one of the 18 countries and the recipe if you can supply multiple copies of the recipe that would be even better. Kathy Landrum is planning to hold the World Fellowship Auction at this same meeting, so please bring your items for auction. Fall and Christmas decorations have been well received in past auctions as well as food items. This will be a fun-filled and scrumptious meeting which will benefit the Schools for Africa Project and the World Fellowship Fund.

Remember to wear your membership pin and enter your name in the drawing for a door prize. Remember to wear red to show our societys color. Please bring your magazines for Casa de Amigos and toiletries for Safe Place. Also bring white towels for Hope House. Remember to bring birthday pennies if youve had a birthday in September or October. Ann Andrews, Pat Adams and Joy Cunningham are still accepting names and addresses of people who might donate to Storybook Christmas. Remind your family and friends that a donation to Storybook Christmas in your honor might help make their gift giving easier. Bring your list of donors and their addresses to the meeting or mail the list to Ann Andrews, 106 N. Bentwood Drive, Midland, Texas 79703. If you have not paid your Delta Kappa Gamma membership dues, bring your checkbook to the October chapter meeting and write a check to Zeta Xi to give to Susan Harmon, our Chapter Treasurer. You will make the October deadline if you pay at the October 1 meeting. Remember to invite that special lady to visit Zeta Xi so she can learn more about our wonderful society Delta Kappa Gamma.

Dont forget you can read this newsletter and view more member pictures online at www.zeta-xi.org thanks to our wonderful webmaster Susan Harmon. If you have pictures you want included on our website, e-mail those to Susan. Susan has also included links to State and International websites on our website.
Note: Hover over the blue colored websites in this newsletter with your mouse. Hold down control then click, it should take you to that website.

Happy Birthday to Members

We wish a Happy Birthday to our September and October birthday ladies. September is one of the most popular months for a birthday. The Birthday Pig awaits the donation of your birthday pennies.

2-Kathy Landrum 11-Lois Templeton 14- Marydel Watkins 21-Jann Pullig 29-Pat Adams

3-Pat Southerland 6-Nancy McNerney 12-Ruth Owens 24-Susan Harmon

Zeta Xi Chapter celebrates its 51st birthday this October, too. Bring your party hat and horn to the meeting and we will celebrate together!

Zeta Xi Member News

Have you seen or heard?

Anita Patton leads Zeta Xi in Recommitment Ceremony

Nancy McNerney enjoys the darling centerpieces at the August meeting.

Jann Pulligs new phone number in Midland is 218-6415.

Dorothy Blair shows guest, Kylee Millican the ropes.

Maggie Artley is in the Younger Center at Manor Park. Kathy Anderson is not feeling well. Her sciatica nerve is hurting her.

DKGs Social Network

Many of Zeta Xi members use Facebook to keep up with happenings of friends and family. Delta Kappa Gamma also has a networking site. Below are instructions to become a member of DKGs social network. What fun to connect to our other DKG sisters. 1. Go to www.dkgnetwork.org 2. Your username is your complete email address. (ex. smithsally499@yahoo.com) 3. This email address used must match the listing in the Society Headquarters database. If log in is not successful, an updating may be required. 4. Use delta01 (that is delta zero one - no spaces) as the default password. 5. After successfully logging in with this password, you may change your password. 6. Click on the link (Forgot my password.) This will allow you to reset your password. 7. Please be aware that International Headquarters does not have access to your "new" password. 8. Write down your new password and keep it somewhere for future reference. If you have difficulty signing in, your e-mail address may be incorrect in the database.

Zeta Xi Chapter The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International Chapter Meeting Minutes

Alpha State Texas August 27, 2012

The first meeting of the 2012-2013 year was held in the home of Lois Hagins. Preceding the meeting 21 members and 2 guests enjoyed a taco stack dinner provided by the Board with desserts supplied by Committee Chairs. The meeting was called to order at 7:27 pm by President Lois Hagins. Martha Savage gave the inspiration. Roll call response was one word to exemplify ones summer. Guests, Michelle Harmon and Kylee Millican were introduced. President, Lois H. introduced the officers and Committee Chairman. Lois recognized Natalie Eustace as recipient of the Alpha Texas State Achievement Award and then reported Zeta Xi earned 8 awards at the summer State Convention, namely the Eula Lee Carter Scholarship, Certified Chapter Web Site, Five-Star Newsletter, Exemplary Yearbook, Tudor Rose for membership, ANNIE Award for outstanding programs, Scholarship, and PACE for Chapter excellence. Lois H. further spoke in regards to attending her first State Convention and the impressiveness of DKGs outreach nationally and internationally. Nancy Doss was introduced as Area XIV Coordinator. She thanked all who attended the Area Workshop in Midland and provided breakfast items on Sat. August 11. Kathy Landrum was recognized at the Region Meeting for her role in promoting World Fellowship. Members attending State Convention: Virginia Conner, Nancy Doss, Natalie Eustace, Lois Hagins, Susan Harmon, Celia Munoz, Anita Patton, Lois Templeton. Members attending International Convention in NY: Natalie Eustace, Patti Groce, Susan Harmon, Lois Templeton. Officer Reports: Patti Groce, First VP, distributed 2012-2013 meeting/program cards. October program will be speaker from Hope House; members can contribute white bath towels to support Hope House. Second VP, Darlene Olson is working on Yearbook, please report changes to your information. Corresponding Secretary, Martha Savage will send a greeting card to members. Please keep her informed when a need occurs. Treasurer, Susan Harmon distributed current financial statement, reporting a balance of $809.31 and announced 2012-2013 dues are $86.00, payable this evening. Committee Reports: Storybook Christmas Chairs, Pat Adams, Ann Andrews, and Joy Cunningham, have solicitation letters ready to mail to previous donors. Members were asked to personalize the requests for donations by signing the letters to individuals or companies members know personally or professionally and to please add perspective donor names. The Committee is currently reviewing books for the first grade selection. Other Committee Chairs for 2012-2013 are: Achievement Awards, Natalie Eustace; Finance, Susan Harmon; Constitution and Bylaws, Dorothy Thompson; Research, Virginia Connor; Personal Growth, Heather Bostic; Scholarship, Kathy Anderson; Membership/Necrology, Dorothy Blair; Ceremonials, Anita Patton; Nominations, Lois Templeton; Legislative, Ann Andrews; Music, Lois Templeton & Natalie Eustace; Yearbook, Darlene Olson; Sunshine, Martha Savage; Communications, Patti Groce; World

Fellowship, Kathy Landrum; Inspirational, Pat Adams; Telephone, Brune Torres; Professional Affairs, Elloui Moseley. Folders were distributed; attendees were reminded to sign up for a committee and meeting hostess. Lois emphasized the need for members to update and or complete the survey, biographical data sheet. Past President, Lois Templeton recognized Zeta Xi milestones: Heather Bostic, 10 yrs; Joy Cunningham, 35; and Dolly Benson 50 years. Natalie called on select members to tell of their proudest achievement. Door prizes for wearing red and wearing pin were won by Kerry Kay Cook and Sandy Hammontree. Anita Patton led the attendees in Re-Commitment Ceremony. Meeting was concluded with the Delta Kappa Gamma song. _____________________________ Jan Perkins, Recording Secretary _____________________________ Lois Hagins, President

Letter from Lois

Ladies, What a great start for our new year to have such a good group for our "Taco Salad Stack" and to learn about all of the awards Zeta Xi achieved at State Convention. Thank you to the executive board for all of the Taco fixings and the committee chairs for the desserts. Thank you also, to Anita Patton for her meaningful re-commitment ceremony. October is a very significant month for Zeta Xi. Can you believe we have been a chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma for 51 years? I am grateful for the charter members and those who have maintained the high standards as members of Zeta Xi for all those years. Lets wish everyone a Happy Birthday at our October meeting. Speaking of October, the program for October will be Fatima Castillo, executive director of Hope House. Patti told us at our last meeting that they could use white bath towels, hand towels, and wash cloths for their guests use. Another thing I know they need is the Lysol hand soap dispensers that you don't have to touch to get the hand soap from. Target has them for $9.99 if you are interested. Be sure to check the newsletter for the exciting programs that Patti Groce has lined up for us this year. We so appreciate the novel program magnets she gave us at our August meeting.

One of my goals for our chapter this year is that we increase our membership by five members. We all need to look for quality women who want to be involved with other women educators. Bring them to our meetings and let them experience our commitment to education. You are the best, Lois Hagins

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