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Stanislaus Catholic School

Preschool News
September 28, 2012

Our Week In Review

All About Apples continued to be our theme this week. I think the children had the most fun finger painting! They really enjoyed being able to mix the colors up with their hands and on paper. I think many children were surprised they were allowed to mix colors! We also completed some great math games this week. The students worked on their colors by matching up apple puzzles and sorting them into the correct category. We also ordered apples from largest to smallest. In our 4 year old afternoon class the children played a visual discrimination game pointing out the picture that didnt belong. The students had fun learning math concepts during our apple unit!

Upcoming Events Mark your calendars! We have a field trip set up for October 18th at Post Family Farm in Hudsonville. This will take place in the morning at 9:15 with both the AM and PM classes attending at the same time. Please send in the money for this trip! Our theme next week will be Purrfect Pets! We will learn about the letter Ff with Fifi Fish.

Reminder I forgot to send home the snack calendar for the morning preschool. It is copied, but didnt get in the folders! Wyatt Carpenter and Shyanna Buskirk are the snack providers next week. I will send it home Tuesday! Mrs. Angie Mulder 269-793-7204

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