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Creating a Linoleum Print Portrait

What is lino printing?

Lino printing is a form of relief printing Artists carve out textures and shapes from a piece of lino using special carving tools It is the same in process as woodcut, the lino is simply softer and easier to carve The lino is then printed onto paper with the help of a rolling press. A popular lino printing method is called reduction printing.

Pablo Picasso Reduction Printing

Around 1939, Picasso was probably the first person to experiment with a reduction method by cutting and printing each colour from one block until only the last colour portion remains. This is known as reduction printing.

Your task Lino Print Portrait

Your task is to research, plan and create a lino print portrait. It can be a self portrait or a portrait of someone else, maybe an Olympic athlete? You must focus on the face, consider zooming in, maximum head and shoulders. It should use colour and facial expression to communicate ideas and meaning See the next slide for a nice example!

Key questions: How many colours or tones are used? How would you describe the texture? How are these textures created? How do the expression, colours and textures communicate meaning?

Creating a lino print portrait

How to structure your sketchbook:
1. Write your early intentions (one page) 2. Investigate and Research (2 double pages) 3. Experiment with reduction printing (one double page) 4. Final design & experimentation (one double page) 5. Final lino piece and stages

1. Write your early intentions

Use the 4 headings to write down the task in your own words and what you hope to create (your intentions)
Creating a lino print portrait TOP TIP: You could include some small thumbnail drawings to show your idea visually Content Process Meaning Purpose

2. Investigate and research

Investigate facial expression and character related to your idea Investigate the colour you will use and its meaning Investigate artists that use relief printing Link all your research your intentions for the lino print

Homework due Thursday 27th September minimum one double page

TOP TIP: Create a number of double pages using images, annotations and thumbnails of your ideas.

Investigating expression
Look at the list of adjectives that can be used to describe character or expression, can you add to the list? Use a dictionary to find definitions of those you do not know.
Aggressive Defiant Nonchalant Sad Happy Thoughtful Reflective Angry Calm Passive Submissive Dominant Distracted Confused Focussed Tired Exhausted Energetic Elated

Categorise the adjectives by organising them in the circles below:



Choose 3 words to investigate further: Collect 2 portrait images that communicate each word Describe how the CONTENT of each image communicates that word Extension: investigate more words considering a wide range of sources See the examples:

Defiant: open resistance, bold disobedience

This portrait looks defiant because the face of this man is very rigid and firm set, like it will not be moved. His brow is squeezed and his eyes look very focussed, like he has a task or a goal


Elated, shocked, ecstatic?

Investigating colour
Choose a character / expression / mood that you want to communicate in your lino print. What colours will you use, what do they represent? Use watercolours to produce a colour grouping in your sketchbook. Make notes about the colours, complementary, harmonious etc Include the cultural meaning of the colours

Cultural meanings of colours

What do these colours represent in western culture? Red, green, blue, yellow, green, grey, black purple. What do they represent in other cultures? E.g. Chinese, Indian. Use the word doc on the website to help and do your own research.

Investigating Artist Work

Investigate and analyse at least 2 images from artists who use relief printing. Kathe Kollwitz and Pablo Picasso. Use the 4 headings CONTENT, PROCESS, MEANING, PURPOSE Compare the culture, purpose and meaning of the artists Extension: extend by investigating another artist: Contemporary - Stanley Donwood, 1800s Japanese woodcut - Katsushika Hokusai The images do not need to be portraits, you can still analyse the process.

Kathe Kollwitz

Self portrait 1923, woodcut

Pablo Picasso

Woman with a necklace, 1959, linocut

3. Experiment with reduction printing

Present your poly printing experiments carefully in your sketchbook Annotate to describe the CONTENT & PROCESS using key vocab (see slide) Discuss the success of the prints and any problems you had

Reduction printing key vocab

Printing plate Carving tools Printing ink THE 3 Rs Roller Rolling press Registration (& mis-registration)

4. Final design and experiment

Draw out a final design for your lino print using pencil Consider composition and the option to zoom in Use watercolours to show the 3 tones/colours you will use

Homework due Thursday 4th October

Complete Section 3 & 4 on the PowerPoint
(3 = experiment with reduction printing (poly prints) (4 = Final design for lino print)
Use image printing service on website if needed

5. Final Piece and stages

Experiment with using the tools to create texture and tone Keep and present your experiments with short annotations Print each stage of the lino at least 4 times. Select your favourite print as the final piece!

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