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Greendale Parent Advisory Committee October 11, 2012 Budget Meeting Agenda 1. Welcome and Introductions 2.

Approval of the Agenda 3. Special Guest 4. Reports a. School Planning Committee- need 1 more volunteer b. Parent Education c. Emergency Preparedness - Janet Lampart heading this area d. Hot Lunch e. Fruit & Veggie Program f. Lice Checks g. DPAC h. Safer School committee i. Principal 5. Business arising from last meeting a. Library- need parent or a parent to regularly help shelf books b. Staff Appreciation- March, April, June 6. New business a. Budget general, gaming, emergency prep. b. Terry Fox granola bars??? c. Fundraising c. Grants Purdys Chocolates Coupon Books Auction Aviva- October 22- Nov 5 Drive one for your school,, cookie exchange

Adjournment Next meeting: Tuesday November 13th , 7pm at the school

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