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Cmo te fue el examen? Had8to1Hr3M La Tomatina, Bunol, Espaa (para m, No gracias!)


el pretrito vs. el imperfecto

El pretrito marks a fixed moment or quantity in time: last night for 3 years 1847 once

El imperfecto was taking place, was happening in the past, but the starting and ending points arent mentioned or arent important. 10/24/12

time line
Naci mi hermano. [once] Empec la escuela en la clase de la Seorita Gordon [once]. Mi ta Brbara Cambi a una se cas. nueva escuela [once].

..Cuando yo era nia --When I was a kid.. [when did I start? when did I stop?] 10/24/12

Speakers point of view

If the speaker sees the action, or the time period as completed, the preterit will be used. Fui a Los Angeles en 1998. The trip is completed, 1998 is long gone.

This can be used to sum up a situation or condition that is viewed as a whole unit, and no longer exists. Cindy S. fue mi mejor amiga. She was my best friend. She no longer is. The friendship is over. I dont even know where she is. 10/24/12

El imperfecto
The speaker explains what was happening; the starting and ending points or duration either arent known or dont matter. Vivan en una casa en el desierto. They were living / used to live in a house in the desert [When? for how long?} The speaker is emphasizing the repetitive nature of an action [would always, used to. etc] Todos en el grupo llevaban pantalones cortos anaranjados. Everyone in the group would wear / used to wear orange shorts. 10/24/12

Describing age, weather, physical condition, emotional states

Tena 38 aos. Estaba cansado y aburrido. No era muy inteligente.


Something to keep in mind:

When describing somethingdid these conditions exist before your arrival or participation? Did they continue after you left? El ao pasado vivmos en un apartamento que era pequeo.


If you were to translate.


miniprueba next classwhich tense would you pick?


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